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FAO statistics

Covered subjects are for example: agriculture, nutrition, fisheries, forestry, food aid, land use, population, crops, livestock, irrigation, fertilizer, pesticide consumption, agricultural machinery, commodities, food supplyand food bala...
Financieel-economische databases

Fitch Connect (voorheen BMI)

Het nieuwe Fitch Connect platform biedt een overzicht van macro-economische gegevens.
Academische software


NVivo is a software program used for qualitative and mixed-methods research. Specifically, it is used for the analysis of unstructured text, audio, video, and image data. NVivo has a transcript function. Audio files can be uploaded and w...
Academische software


Qualtrics is a cloud-based platform for creating and distributing surveys. It is widely used for academic research and market research. Qualtrics makes sharing of surveys possible to ensure an easy collaboration. There are multiple distr...
Academische software


R is a free, open source software program for statistical analysis, based on the S language. RStudio is an IDE (integrated development environment) for R. R must be installed first. RStudio lets you view graphs, data tables, R code and o...
Academische software


Sawtooth is used for measuring preferences on any combination of features. Conjoint (trade-off) analysis is one of the most widely-used quantitative methods in marketing research. It is used to measure preferences for product features, t...