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Financieel-economische databases

AtoZ World Business

Business-geörienteerde encyclopedie met onder meer informatie over wereldwijde handel, bedrijfsculturen en onderhandelen in verschillende landen, inclusief wetten en regels rondom import en export.
Financieel-economische databases

Fitch Connect (voorheen BMI)

Het nieuwe Fitch Connect platform biedt een overzicht van macro-economische gegevens.
Statistische databases


StatLine is the electronic database of Statistics Netherlands. The database contains statistical information on The Netherlands presented in tables and graphs, including time series on many social and economic subjects and information on...
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World Economic Forum

Global Competitiveness Reports, Scenario reports, Global Risk Reports, Cimate Reports and Private Equity Reports.
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World Economic Outlook

Also available in the book collection of the Nyenrode library: see location 950B01.
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World Health Organization

Health statistics by country (not quite up to date).