Five tips how to become an influential speaker 

Leaders within organizations benefit from understanding boardroom dynamics and knowing what challenges boardroom members face to be a valuable and impactfull business partner. But what skills do you need to impact decision making? How to become an influential speaker in the boardroom? Five tips from Désirée van Gorp.

How to become an influential speaker and change agent.
Five tips.

In an increasingly data-driven world, companies are forced to adapt to make their business thrive. That means organizations need more change agents with system level thinking to remain relevant and be part of ecosystems that drive innovation and change wherever required in the organization. These change agents should be empowered and have an understanding of how to influence decision making in their organizations for them to provide input needed for boardrooms that face difficult decisions. 

Désirée van Gorp, professor of International Business at Nyenrode Business University and core teacher of the module Digitalization and Boardroom Dynamics, gives you five tips on how to become an influential speaker and change agent in the boardroom and beyond::

#1 Ensure an environment of psychological safety for you and your team

Teams that make innovation thrive, are those that operate in a psychologically safe environment. This lies also at the basis of any organization involved in a digital transformation and your own professional growth.

#2 Create a burning platform for change. Be part of a culture where you take the path of constructive dissatisfaction and you are continuously assessing & improving every facet of the business activities you are involved in. Find allies in your organization who want to join you on this path; prioritize and take one idea that you want to change and eventually take to the board.

#3 Assess yourself and make sure you have a growth versus a mixed mindset needed to be a change agent in your organization. With this mindset you will take challenges as an opportunity enabling you and the people around you to grow. This is not dependent on others; it is part of creating your own belief system.

#4 Define your own role in the process of (digital) transformation; identify three action points you are going to take ownership of and create an ecosystem of partners within and outside your organization that will support you in change needed to thrive.

#5 Improve your understanding of boardroom dynamics and your skills to influence them based on the principle of data driven decision making.

Prof. dr. Désirée van Gorp LLM

''My mission is to contribute in educating responsible leaders for the future, inspire and get inspired by my students and the Nyenrode community at large.''

More about Désirée van Gorp


Module Digitalization and Boardroom Dynamics

Curious about applying these tips to your organization's practice? Then take part in the Digitalization and Boardroom Dynamics module in the Business & IT track of the Modular Executive MBA. The core of the module is about how you become a change agent by building on your skills to impact decision making in your organization. This is especially important in organizations that are involved in (digital) transformations. Your organization and the board will benefit from your new knowledge and insights about your specific organization and management issues. Being a stronger conversation partner helps the people around you to stay sharp and take effective decisions. 


Do you have questions about the module, or would you like to apply directly? Please contact us at + 31 346 291 001 or