PhD Program (part-time)

1 september 2024
31 March 2024
5 years
€ 28.750,- (VAT free)

Conduct research that has significant societal impact

Our part-time PhD program offers you the opportunity to combine your (part-time) job with conducting high-quality academic research that intends to make a significant scientific contribution and has practical and societal impact. Fulfillment of the program and successful completion and defense of your dissertation leads to a PhD degree from Nyenrode Business Universiteit.

    • You will develop your own PhD proposal
    • You will develop your academic, research and personal effectiveness skills
    • We offer you a personal and supportive environment

    Is our part-time PhD Program a good fit for you?

    Are you fascinated with and curious about problems and opportunities you encounter in your daily practice? Are you highly motivated to tackle business challenges that have a broad societal impact? Are you excited to further develop your academic and research skills to be able to address practically relevant questions in a rigorous fashion?

    With our PhD program you can realize these ambitions in a supportive academic environment. You are supported in the (further) development of your academic, research and personal effectiveness skills. 

    The fields in which you can conduct your PhD research at Nyenrode include: Accounting, Auditing & Control; Corporate Reporting, Finance & Tax; Entrepreneurship, Governance and Stewardship; Marketing & Supply Chain Management and Strategy, Organization & Leadership.

    Why enroll in the part-time PhD Program of Nyenrode?

    • You will focus on academic rigor as well as practical and societal impact;
    • We allow a limited number of 15 part-time PhD students each year, in order to ensure individual support and encouragement;
    • During the program you can connect with PhD students beyond formal courses and workshops through small group intervision sessions, bi-monthly socio-educational events and a yearly PhD conference;
    • We offer additional workshops and coaching for those who aspire a part-time career in academia next to their current profession;
    • You will become part of the international Nyenrode community.

    Part-time PhD Program overview

    Our PhD program consists of three consecutive phases. Here you find an infographic with a brief overview of the program.

    Phase 1 (1 year)

    During this phase, you will write your PhD research proposal. In order to develop the necessary skills to write this research proposal, you will take the required courses ‘Research Design & Planning’ and ‘Philosophy of Science’ and the required workshop ‘Academic Reading and Writing’ . You will be supervised by a full professor from Nyenrode. 

    PhD students who are interested in expanding their knowledge and skill sets could take additional non-mandatory workshops that are relevant in this phase (e.g., conducting a systematic literature review). This phase concludes with making a training- and development plan for the coming phases.

    Phase 2 (2 years)

    You complete various required courses, workshops and research electives (e.g., Research Data Management, Qualitative Research, Scientific Integrity). All PhD students are welcome to complete any other courses or workshops that are relevant for their PhD but are not part of their training and development plan. In small groups, PhD students can take part in intervision sessions facilitated by an experienced trainer. You will be regularly guided and coached by your supervisory team in your research.

    Phase 3 (2 years)

    In the last phase, you focus on the writing up of the dissertation. You will be guided and coached by your supervisor or supervisory team. In addition, you will take part in ‘Getting Published’ and conduct your trial PhD defense. If all goes well, you obtain your PhD degree after the defense: a great and honorable achievement. Truly a reward for life!

    You can complete the PhD program in five years, but the process may take longer. If you have questions about the program, please contact us via

    Annual PhD Conference

    Each academic year, we host a PhD conference. During the conference, PhD students present their work-in-progress and take part in different workshop rounds to enhance their academic and personal effectiveness skills. Video: an impression of the 2019 edition.

    Admission and application

    You can submit your application for the part-time PhD program (2024-2025) until March 31st, 2024. 


    To be eligible to apply to our part-time PhD program, you need to meet the following criteria:

    • You are highly motivated to conduct rigorous research that aims to bridge the theory-practice divide (as evidenced by a 1-page essay and a reference letter);
    • You are willing and able to combine your (part-time) job with a part-time PhD project (as evidenced by a motivation letter);
    • You have obtained a Master's degree or international equivalent in the field (or related field) of the proposed PhD topic; 

    Selection criteria

    Each year, we allow 15 new part-time PhD students into our program. The admission and selection committee selects 15 participants based on the following: 

    • Motivation and commitment to a part-time PhD project;
    • Curriculum vitae; 
    • Potential to conduct high-quality research that can have significant societal impact;
    • Idea for a PhD topic;
    • Reference(s); 
    • Match with a Nyenrode supervisor; 
    • A selection interview (selection interviews take place on campus or via Teams in April and May 2023).

    To make its decision, the admission and selection committee may ask you to take a GMAT. An indication of the required score is above the 70th percentile (score 650+). If you have taken a GMAT test within the last five years, please upload your GMAT score report as part of the admission process. 

    The application process

    Would you like to apply for our part-time PhD program? Please click the green button ‘apply online’. After your initial application has been received, we will send you an email outlining what we need to complete your application. You will be asked to upload the following documents:

    • Certified copy of your Master's degree or equivalent and a copy of corresponding grade list(s);
    • Curriculum vitae;
    • Motivation letter;
    • 1-to-2-page essay on proposed PhD topic;
    • Reference letter(s);
    • If available, GMAT score report;
    • Photo.

    Applicants who have obtained a degree outside of the Netherlands, will be asked for additional information as their degree will be checked by NUFFIC. If you obtained your degree outside of the Netherlands, you will therefore also need to upload:

    • Copy of the identification page of your passport;
    • Certified copy of your bachelor’s and master’s degree and copy of corresponding grade list;
    • If the diplomas (both Bachelor and Master or equivalents) and corresponding grade lists are in a language other than Dutch, English, French, German, Spanish or South African, you will need to include a certified English translation of the diplomas and grade lists (including photo printed + sealed).

    After the application deadline of March 31st, 2024, you will be notified in April whether you will be invited for a selection interview. After all selection interviews have taken place, the admission and selection committee will inform applicants by June 30th, 2024 of the outcome of the selection process and whether you are eligible to enroll in our part-time PhD program starting September 2024. 

    Do you have any questions about the application process? Please contact us via and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.

    Program investment

    The total cost for the part-time PhD program, for participants who start during Academic Year 2024-2025, are €28.750 (VAT free).

    The fees* differ per phase:

    • Phase 1 (1 year) = € 3.750
    • Phase 2 (year 1) = € 9.500
    • Phase 2 (year 2) = € 9.500
    • Phase 3 (year 1) = € 3.000
    • Phase 3 (year 2) = € 3.000
    • Every additional year € 3.000

    * The fee does not cover the costs for books, overnight stays in our campus hotel, and travel expenses. The fees also do not cover visits to (international) academic conferences or PhD consortia (i.e., travel costs, conference fees).

    Frequently asked questions

    Is your question not included? Please contact us and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

    Each year, we accept a maximum of 15 part-time PhD students into our program. In this way, our part-time PhD candidates receive sufficient individual support and attention.
    If you have a personal contact with one of our professors or associate professors with promotion rights, you may contact him or her directly to discuss whether (s)he is interested and willing to supervise your PhD project. Please keep in mind that if the professor indicates that (s)he would like to act as your supervisor this does not guarantee acceptance into the PhD program. 

    It is not necessary to connect with a potential supervisor before applying to our program. Potential supervisors are part of the selection committee and therefore if you are invited for a selection interview, you will have the opportunity to meet with (a) potential supervisor(s).
    The application deadline is March 31st. Did you miss this deadline but is it at least one month before the start of the program in September? Then you may contact the PhD support office via to discuss your options. If the PhD program is not yet at full capacity, we may be able to accept a late application. However, a late acceptance also depends on supervisory capacity and on whether you are able to take part in the required courses of the first phase of the program.
    The yearly fees do not cover the costs for books and other course material; meals are generally not included. Some courses take place at Nyenrode on consecutive days. When students reserve a room at our campus hotel or one of the nearby hotel facilities, please keep in mind that these costs are not covered by the yearly fees. The fees also do not cover visits to (international) academic conferences or PhD consortia (i.e., travel costs, housing costs, subsistence costs and conference fees).
    It is not possible to miss one of the courses offered in the first phase of the program. The curriculum is organized in such a way that the courses and workshops in the second phase of the program build upon the courses included in the first phase. If you are unable to attend all sessions of the courses in the first phase, you will need to postpone your enrollment to the next academic year. 

    It is not possible to complete the PhD program from abroad.

    Certain elements of the program can be completed virtually, such as the yearly progress talk and your participation in small group intervision sessions. In part, meetings with your supervisory team can take place virtually, although you will also need to meet with your supervisory team at least once a year in person.

    Courses and workshops that are offered virtually or in a hybrid manner can also be completed from abroad. However, courses and workshops that are only offered live in Breukelen cannot be completed from abroad.

    Please keep in mind that Nyenrode does not cover travel expenses or housing fees for (international) part-time PhD candidates. You should be able to guarantee that you are able to pay the travel and subsistence costs for regular visits to Nyenrode to follow and complete the required components of the program. Also, if applicable, you have to show that you have obtained the relevant visa and other permits to stay and study in the Netherlands.

    Requests for exemptions for potential PhD candidates who have completed PhD courses and workshops or a complete PhD program at a different institution are decided upon on a case-by-case basis. The decision depends on the nature of the courses or workshops taken, the degree of overlap with our courses and workshops, and when the courses were completed. 
    Nyenrode Business Universiteit does not offer scholarships for part-time PhD candidates and does not facilitate NFP scholarships.