
Nyenrode Incubator - Daily Flowers_Main Image The modern florist continues to evolve

The modern florist continues to evolve

Community |  December 23 2021
Carlo van Noortwijk runs the Daily Flowers start-up together with Yvar Achterberg and Kevin van Hilst in the Nyenrode Incubator in Amsterdam.
Roland Spekle Nieuwsbericht_LOWRES Effective performance management in the public sector?

Effective performance management in the public sector?

Research |  December 21 2021
Does measuring work performance within the Dutch public sector improve effectiveness and efficiency? According to Prof. Dr. Roland Speklé, Professor of Management Accounting & Control at Nyenrode Business University, performance measurement systems actually often have a negative effect on work performance.
Zegel Making a real difference with sustainable marketing.

Making a real difference with sustainable marketing.

Education |  December 20 2021
On December 20 NIMA and Nyenrode Business University digitally signed a collaboration agreement. The signing also kicks off a new marketing program offered by both parties.
Rosalien Foort-Diepeveen “A gender quota is not enough”

“A gender quota is not enough”

Research |  December 16 2021
A holistic approach is needed to achieve gender equality and more women at the top of business in the Netherlands. This is the main conclusion of the research conducted by Rosalien van ’t Foort-Diepeveen, who defends her PhD dissertation and will be awarded the title of doctor at Nyenrode Business University today.
Timothée Parrique
Inventing post-growth economies

Inventing post-growth economies

Research |  December 10 2021
Last week Timothée Parrique kicked off the Radical Thinkers Series of Nyenrode Business Universiteit.
1200 x 800 Stock Photo Higher placement Nyenrode fulltime MBA and MSc in Management in the FT rankings

Higher placement Nyenrode fulltime MBA and MSc in Management in the FT rankings

Education |  December 7 2021
The full-time MBA and Master of Science in Management programs of Nyenrode Business Universiteit moved up several places in the FT-ranking.
Marlies de Vries nieuwsbericht_LOWRES The future of the accountancy sector: a call to break the vicious circle

The future of the accountancy sector: a call to break the vicious circle

Research |  December 3 2021
The current working methods of accountancy firms continue to remain unchanged. This vicious circle needs to be broken in order to prevent the sector from grinding to a halt as a result of more and more checks and controls.
FTMBA Enrique and Jana_Main_Image MBA in Amsterdam: a great learning experience

MBA in Amsterdam: a great learning experience

Community |  December 1 2021
Full-time MBA students Jana Stofberg from South-Africa and Enrique Chevalier from Panama share with us their MBA experience at Nyenrode in Amsterdam.


Lidy Nebbeling

Communications Advisor

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