Growing your investment leadership

November 8, 2024
2 days
€ 2.495,- ( or € 2.250,- members)

A solid analysis and the resulting investment recommendation must be accepted by your stakeholders. Demonstrating investment leadership will help you in guiding your stakeholders through the process of understanding your recommendation, accepting them and feeling comfortable with the results. This requires you to have a thorough grasp of what constitutes investment leadership. In this module we will focus on the essential building blocks of investment leadership, providing you with a solid foundation to become a true investment leader. 

  • Awareness of the ethics involved in performing the role as investment leader and incorporating that awareness in your professional role.
  • Knowing how to leverage knowledge about change management

This module focusses around five building blocks of Investment Leadership. As investment professional you may transition from a highly regarded specialist to a trusted advisor. We discuss the ethics involved in being such an advisor. The second building block is change management. Leveraging knowledge and expertise in organizations requires being able to understand what leads to change and learning about how to use connective thinking. The next building block is about responsible leadership. Investment leadership comes with responsibilities. We investigate the concept of Transactional Analysis and how it helps you to become a responsible leader. The fourth building block revolves around your presentation: making sound investment recommendations and knowing how to present them the right way is important to be successful. We conclude this module with an introduction to strategic leadership. How to be an investment leader requires you to consider the bigger picture. This building block offers insightful perspectives on strategic leadership. 

This module is offered in corporation with the VBA Academy by CFA Society Netherlands


Ronald Jeurissen is Professor of Business Ethics at Nyenrode Business Universiteit and Director of the Institute for Integrity Management and Business Ethics (EIBE).
Jeff Gaspersz
Jeff Gaspersz is Professor of Innovation. Innovation is a top priority in business and government. In his chair, he contributes to insights and ideas that support leaders and policy makers in developing and exploiting the power of innovation.
Bob de Wit is Professor of Strategic Leadership at Nyenrode’s Center of Strategy, Organization & Leadership.
Erik Maier works as a lecturer, program manager and PhD student at Nyenrode Business University.

Other lecturers:

  • Dr. Gijs Meeusen

Study load & format

This module consists of two days that include interactive lectures and workshops. The time spent during these days is 16 hours. In addition, 8 hours of self-study, preparation, pre-reading etc. will be required, depending on pre-education, work experience and training/courses on this topic.

Attendence of classes is mandatory to succesfully pass this course. Classes will be offered at the Nyenrode campus in Breukelen.

Participation in the peer-to-peer intervision cycle and presentation of a personal leadership case during enrollment in the Lead pillar of the RBA program is mandatory for participants that enroll in the full RBA program. 

Designed for you?

This module is part of LEAD pillar in the RBA program. Enrollment is mandatory for participants that enroll in the full RBA program. The contents of this module will greatly help you understanding how boards work or why they fail. You are a mid to senior career professional. Typically you work as:

  • Investment manager
  • Portfolio manager
  • Risk manager


Classes & info


  • Friday, November 8, 2024                          9.30 am – 8 pm
  • Friday, November 22, 2024                        9.30 am – 8 pm

Date(s) of the peer-to-peer intervision sessions are planned by the intervision groups.