Understanding Boardroom dynamics & interaction

September 27, 2024
2 days
€ 2.495,- ( or € 2.250,- members)

As investment professional you interact with a wide variety of stakeholders in various arena’s: within your organization, with your clients and possibly a wide variety of stakeholders in society. In this module we focus on the dynamics in the boardroom where investment decisions are taken. Boardroom dynamics comprises of the combined behavior of all individuals in a group, the way this behavior is perceived and how it is responded to. Being aware of your behavior and how it is perceived by others and understanding the dynamics involved in this interaction will help you to maximize your contribution to the board and increase your chances of achieving your goals. 

  • Management techniques that apply to present day organizations
  • The communication paradox, basic communication
  • Tools to assess investment processes and governance of customers

Learning objectives

  • Awareness of the existence of boardroom dynamics and the theoretical underpinning of boardroom dynamics; identifying biases as elements of behavioral finance, System 1 and System 2 thinking, how to improve you decision making process.
  • Lessons learned from investment dilemmas in de boardroom

This module is designed with the investment professional in mind. The subjects that will be addressed have a direct link with the day-to-day practice. The module starts with a primer on behavioral finance.

Psychological influences and biases affect investment decisions, without being consciously aware of it. Knowing these biases can help you dealing with them. Next, we address the transition to the platform economy and its consequences on ways of management. Old management techniques used in Industrial Organizations (IO) need to be revised to apply to organizations in the platform economy. Part of behavior is how you communicate with the people around you. We therefore take a closer look into (mis-)communication between expert and generalist, as well as manager and board member. The second day of this module starts with a deep dive into the investment processes and governance of your customers. How can you assess these elements such that this enables you to provide your customers with the best service? We finish this module with an overview of typical investment dilemmas of a wide range of stakeholders. 


This module is offered in corporation with the VBA Academy by CFA Society Netherlands


Leen Paape
Leen Paape is Professor of Corporate Governance at Nyenrode's Center for Entrepreneurship, Governance & Stewardship.

Other lecturers:

  • Dr. Peter Kolthof
  • Ronald Heijn RBA EPP

... and guest lecturers.

Study load & format

This module consists of two days that include interactive lectures and workshops. The time spent during these days is 16 hours. In addition, 8 hours of self-study, preparation, pre-reading etc. will be required, depending on pre-education, work experience and training/courses on this topic.

Attendence of classes is mandatory to succesfully pass this course. Classes will be offered at the Nyenrode campus in Breukelen.

Participation in the peer-to-peer intervision cycle and presentation of a personal leadership case during enrollment in the Lead pillar of the RBA program is mandatory for participants that enroll in the full RBA program. 

Designed for you?

This module is part of LEAD pillar in the RBA program. Enrollment is mandatory for participants that enroll in the full RBA program. The contents of this module will greatly help you understanding how boards work or why they fail. You are a mid to senior career professional. Typically you work as:

  • Investment manager
  • Portfoliomanager
  • Risk manager 

Classes & info


  • Friday, September 27, 2024                        9.30 am - 8 pm
  • Friday, December 9, 2022                           9.30 am - 8 pm

Date(s) of the peer-to-peer intervision sessions are planned by the intervision groups. 


Attendance for participation in Module 10 is manadatory.

In addition, participation in the peer-to-peer intervision cycle and presentation of a personal leadership case during enrollment in the Lead pillar of the RBA program is mandatory for participants that enroll in the full RBA program.