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4 informatiebronnen

  • Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection

    Type: Online tijdschriften
    Toegang: Alleen voor Nyenrode studenten en medewerkers

    The Psychology & Behavioral Sciences Collection is a database providing nearly 575 full text publications, including 550 peer-reviewed journals. The Psychology & Behavioral Sciences Collection can be searched independently, but also allows users to link to full text from citations within the database PsycINFO. Nearly all full text journal articles are indexed in PsycINFO. Period: 1965 - present

  • PsycINFO

    Type: Online tijdschriften
    Toegang: Alleen voor Nyenrode studenten en medewerkers

    PsycINFO®, from the American Psychological Association (APA), contains more than 2.4 million citations and summaries of scholarly journal articles, book chapters, books, and dissertations, all in psychology and related disciplines, dating as far back as the early 1800s. The database also includes information about the psychological aspects of related fields such as business, law, medicine, psychiatry, nursing, sociology and others. Journal coverage, which spans 1887 to present, includes international material selected from more than 2,200 periodicals in more than 27 languages. PsycINFO is indexed with controlled vocabulary from APA's Thesaurus of Psychological Index Terms®. Click on the link Thesaurus in PsycINFO.

  • Survey Data Netherlands

    Type: Interessante links
    Toegang: Gratis

    The portal Survey Data Netherlands (SDN) enables you to ​search and access survey questions and data of large Dutch research projects. When the portal was launched, in February 2014, it contained the data of the following projects: Culturele veranderingen, Sociaal Cultureel Planbureau Profielstudie,Tilburg University Langlopende Internet Studies voor de Sociale wetenschappen (LISS), CentERdata Intergraal Kankercentrum Zuid More Dutch longitudinal survey data will become available in the future.

  • World Affairs Online

    Type: Onderzoeks papieren
    Toegang: Gratis

    Database containing more than 900,000 references, mainly journal articles, book chapters and grey literature. The database covers international relations and area studies, with a focus on foreign and security policy and European politics. A part of the references include links to the full-text.
