Expertise center

Entrepreneurship, Governance & Stewardship

Our mission

Nyenrode's Center for Entrepreneurship, Governance & Stewardship strives for a higher academic understanding of the processes of entrepreneurship and stewardship, instilling an entrepreneurial attitude in our students.

We cover the following fields of expertise:

  • Entrepreneurship
  • International Business & Diplomacy
  • Sustainability & Corporate Social Responsibility
  • Business Ethics and Integrity Management
  • Corporate Governance

The Center for Entrepreneurship, Governance & Stewardship's goal is to strengthen the international visibility of our program within the academic and business communities in the fields of entrepreneurship and stewardship. In order to achieve this, we conduct and support research, teach Nyenrode's students and participants, and provide a number of services to aforementioned communities.

Our activities

Nyenrode's Center for Entrepreneurship, Governance & Stewardship participates in the following programs:

  • BSc in Accountancy
  • BSc in Management
  • MSc in Management (full-time and part-time)
  • MSc in Accounting
  • MSc in Controlling
  • MBA (International, Executive and Modular)
  • Executive Education (various programs and courses)
  • Executive Doctorate Program

Our research

Our research covers the following areas:

  • Entrepreneurship
  • Family Business and Transfer
  • Entrepreneurial Transformation
  • Strategic Entrepreneurship
  • Social (Venturing) Entrepreneurship

International business

All of our research activities focus on realistic applications within the corporate world, therefore contributing well-defined added value to businesses' results.

We conduct research in international business topics in specific countries and regions, such as China, India, the Middle East and North and South America. Common subjects are:

  • Corporate Governance and Managing Shareholders’ Value
  • Dealing with the World as a Global Place
  • Dutch and Chinese Systems
  • Emerging Markets
Oratie Jeroen Veldman Corporate governance: ‘More and more parties are knocking on the door’

Corporate governance: ‘More and more parties are knocking on the door’

Research |  May 29 2024
The way we govern our enterprises is under pressure, according to Prof. Dr. Jeroen Veldman in his inaugural lecture on May 29. “Organizations are increasingly confronted with expectations from various quarters. These expectations often pertain to mitigating systemic risks such as climate change. This development affects how we implement corporate governance."
Albert Plugge Prof. dr. Albert Plugge appointed as Professor ESG Transformation & Digital Innovation

Prof. dr. Albert Plugge appointed as Professor ESG Transformation & Digital Innovation

Education |  October 9 2023
Prof. Dr. Albert Plugge has been appointed as Professor of ESG Transformation & Digital Innovation at Nyenrode Business University as of September 1. He is part of the Expertise Center Entrepreneurship, Governance & Stewardship.
Henk Kievit Big issues require a new, entrepreneurial mindset, says Professor Henk Kievit

Big issues require a new, entrepreneurial mindset, says Professor Henk Kievit

Research |  June 2 2023
When dealing with major social issues, an entrepreneurial mindset is essential. This is the conviction of Henk Kievit, Professor of Entrepreneurship & Ecosystems, which he addressed in his inaugural speech. The findings of his research provide insight into the mentality that is required to realize innovative and sustainable solutions. “By focusing on collaboration with multiple parties, organizations contribute to a resilient and future-proof society.”
Diane Zandee_LOWRES half Circular economy: Why current accounting models aren’t suitable

Circular economy: Why current accounting models aren’t suitable

Research |  May 26 2023
Researcher Diane Zandee, who obtains her doctorate from Nyenrode Business Universiteit today, wants to connect finance and sustainability. That is why she has conducted research into how accounting can contribute to the transition towards a circular economy. There is a need for a common language and structure in order to embrace this new economy. “We are still focusing too much on the financial side and not enough on ecological and social values. We can only change this if the entire chain changes along with it. For that we need a conductor, a coordinator who ensures that everything goes at the right pace and that everyone works together to find harmony.”
Tineke Lambooy laag_LOWRES A sustainable economy starts with business leaders

A sustainable economy starts with business leaders

Opinion |  May 11 2023
Since December 2022, there is a new Corporate Governance Code in place. This Code states that business leaders are responsible for sustainable long-term value creation and that companies must draw up policies for diversity and inclusion. Tineke Lambooy, Professor of Corporate Law at Nyenrode Business Universiteit, explains how business leaders can embed ESG (Environment, Social, Governance) values in their strategy.
Yulia Levashova nieuwsbericht_LOWRES How to start embedding human rights in your business

How to start embedding human rights in your business

Opinion |  April 18 2023
There is an urgency to incorporate human rights policy into your business operations, as stated by Yulia Levashova, Assistant professor at Nyenrode Business Universiteit. Besides a moral duty to take good care of your employees and ensure that your company respect human rights, it also makes a ‘good business sense.’
More news


Faculty members

Dr. Aikaterini Argyrou LL.M

  • Social Entrepreneurship
  • Research Methodology
  • Sustainability
  • Business Law
  • Sustainable Development

Prof. Dr. George Baourakis

  • Marketing
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Supply Chain Management

Prof. dr. Marta Berent-Braun

  • Ownership Dynamics
  • Family Business
  • Entrepreneurship

Prof. mr. dr. Barbara Bier

  • ESG
  • Corporate Governance
  • Corporate law

Martine Bosman LL.M

  • Business & Human Rights
  • Circular Economy
  • Labour Law
  • Sustainable Development

Prof. dr. Willem Burggraaf (emeritus)

  • Entrepreneurship and Business Culture

Dr. Nicolas Chevrollier

  • Post growth economy
  • Degrowth transition and organization
  • Sustainable market transformation

Maurice Coen MSc

  • Market Transformation & Organizational Development
  • Corporate Social Responsibility
  • Sustainable Business & Stewardship

Prof. dr. ir. Gert van Dijk (emeritus)

  • Entrepreneurship & Investment Strategies
  • Cooperative Business Aministration Strategies
  • Cooperative Business Finance in Developing Economies

Birgit Dulski MSc

  • Heritage Buildings
  • Cultural Entrepreneurship

Prof. dr. Roberto Flören

  • Family Business
  • Private Wealth Management

Dr. Sander van ‘t Foort BBA LL.M.

  • Grievance mechanisms
  • Business and Human Rights
  • National Contact Points of the OECD

Dr. Rosalien van 't Foort-Diepeveen LL.M.

  • Gender Diversity in Organizations
  • Corporate Governance
  • Corporate law

Prof. dr. Désirée M. van Gorp LL.M.

  • International Trade and Investments
  • Global sourcing and sustainable value chains
  • Innovation & Digitalization

Prof. dr. lr. Andrzej Hajdasinski Meng (emeritus)

  • Systems Theory
  • Large Scale Control Systems
  • Business Transformation
  • Transformational Outsourcing

Prof. dr. ir. Anke van Hal

  • Making existing homes and neighborhoods more sustainable
  • Creating enthusiasm for sustainability

Mr. dr. Bonne van Hattum

  • Class Actions
  • Law & Society
  • Contract & Liability Law
  • Supervision
  • Sustainability

Prof. dr. Paul Hilbers

  • Financial Sector Supervision

Dr. Bart Jansen LL.M.

  • Philosophy
  • Law
  • Ethics

Prof. dr. Ronald Jeurissen

  • Professional Philosophy
  • Philosophy of Science
  • Law & Ethics

dr. Gunjan Joshi

  • Sustainability
  • Future of Work

Prof. Dr. Edgar Karssing

  • Integrity Management
  • Business Ethics
  • Professional Ethics
  • Dilemma Training
  • The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence
  • Moral leadership
  • Moral courage

Prof. dr. ir. Henk Kievit

  • Social Entrepreneurship
  • Family Business
  • Natural and Social Capitalism
  • Social Venturing
  • Sustainable Entrepreneurship

Dr. Ingrid Koning

  • International and European Law
  • Transport and Logistics Law
  • Air Transport Law
  • Commercial Law

Prof. dr. Tineke Lambooy LL.M.

  • Corporate Social Responsibility
  • Globalization

Dr. Yulia Levashova LL.M.

  • FDI policy
  • Economic law
  • Corporate Social Responsibility
  • International Investment Law

Lotte Levelt MSc.

  • Degrowth transition and organization
  • International Business
  • Sustainability

Prof. dr. Sharda Nandram

  • Entrepreneurial Behavior
  • Organizational Innovation and Spirituality
  • Entrepreneurship

Prof. dr. ir. André Nijhof

  • Corporate Social Responsibility
  • Business Ethics
  • Sustainable Business & Stewardship
  • Disruptive Innovation
  • Regenerative Business Models
  • Stewardship
  • Meaningful Organizations

Prof. dr. Leen Paape RA RO CIA (emeritus)

  • Corporate Social Responsibility
  • Corporate Governance
  • Risk Management
  • Accounting Information Systems
  • Auditing
  • Management Control

Prof. dr. Albert Plugge

  • ESG
  • IT Sourcing
  • Corporate Governance

Rebecca Scholten MSc.

  • Sustainability Reporting
  • External Reporting

Prof. mr. Steven Schuit (emeritus)

  • Corporate Social Responsibility
  • Corporate Governance

Bart van der Linden

  • IT sourcing and Innovation
  • Digital Business Ecosystems
  • Digital Ecosystems

Prof. dr. Jeroen Veldman

  • Business Ethics
  • Corporate Governance

Prof. dr. André Wierdsma (emeritus)

  • Organizational Dynamics
  • Leadership
  • Change Management
  • Learning Organization

Prof. mr. dr. Leo Witvliet (emeritus)

  • Strategic Management
  • Professional Service Management

Dr. Jianhong Zhang

  • Internationalization Strategy
  • Multinational Enterprise
  • Foreign direct investment
  • International Business
  • International Economics