Prof. dr. lr. Andrzej Hajdasinski Meng (emeritus)

Center: Entrepreneurship, Governance & Stewardship
  • Systems Theory
  • Large Scale Control Systems
  • Business Transformation
  • Transformational Outsourcing

Prof. dr. ir. Anke van Hal

Center: Entrepreneurship, Governance & Stewardship
  • Making existing homes and neighborhoods more sustainable
  • Creating enthusiasm for sustainability

Mr. dr. Bonne van Hattum

Center: Entrepreneurship, Governance & Stewardship
  • Class Actions
  • Law & Society
  • Contract & Liability Law
  • Supervision
  • Sustainability

Dr. Tim Hermans

Center: Accounting, Auditing & Control
  • Management Accounting & Control
  • Subjective Performance Evaluation

Prof. dr. Paul Hilbers

Center: Entrepreneurship, Governance & Stewardship
  • Financial Sector Supervision

Prof. dr. Cokky Hilhorst

Center: Accounting, Auditing & Control
  • Business & IT
  • IT Investment Decision Making
  • Financial Value of IT Investments
  • IT Project Risk & Flexibility

Prof. dr. Bob Hoogenboom

Center: Accounting, Auditing & Control
  • Integrity Management
  • Fraud