Insurance in NL

Health Insurance
When taking out or checking your current health insurance, pay special attention if the following will be covered during your stay abroad:
- All physical and mental health care costs, incl. hospitalization.
- All pre-existing medical conditions.
- Repatriation costs.
Furthermore, consider what type of policy you require. Note that if you decide to work or do a paid internship during your studies, you are required to change to the Dutch public Health Insurance.
What type of policy?
International Student Insurance Policy
If the above-mentioned factors are not covered by your existing health insurance, then you should take out an international student insurance policy from a Dutch insurer. We highly recommend the ICS Complete+ package from AON. It covers pre-existing conditions, personal liability, household contents, theft, repatriation and legal advice.
EU Health Insurance Card
As an EU national* you may be covered for a temporary stay in the Netherlands through your current home country’s health insurance. However, we generally recommend that you also take out an international student policy as described above for the following reasons:
- Some EU countries do not offer coverage if you are studying abroad;
- A limit on the length of time you are covered may be applied;
- The level of coverage might be lower than you anticipate.
The conditions of coverage are generally not stated on EU health insurance cards, therefore you must check the details with your home country’s insurance scheme well in advance. Remember to request your EU health insurance card (E111) on time and bring it along with you to the Netherlands.
As an EU health insurance card holder, you can request Zilveren Kruis insurance company for assistance in requesting reimbursements via this form.
*Since 1 January 2021 UK nationals are unfortunately no longer covered by the EU health insurance scheme (E111).
Insurance Policy Home Country
We highly recommend you taking out an international student insurance policy, as mentioned above. Not all home-country insurance policies offer sufficient coverage for medical costs incurred during your study abroad. If you do want to use a home-country insurance policy, make sure to check carefully if it covers all the important factors listed above, such as pre-existing medical conditions. Make sure to bring your policy when coming to the Netherlands.
Dutch Public Health Insurance
Interested in working alongside your studies? Don’t forget to take out Dutch public health insurance. This also applies if you do an internship for which you receive at least Dutch minimum income*. It is important to have Dutch public health insurance on the day you start your job or paid internship. If you fail to do so, you can get a high fine. Refer to the Study in Holland website for more details. If you already have an international student insurance via AON, they can arrange your switch to Dutch public health insurance. If you leave the Netherlands, it is important not to forget to cancel your insurance.
*You can calculate the Dutch minimum income for your age and situation via this online tool (in Dutch).
Additional information
Healthcare benefit
You can only apply for health care benefit (in Dutch: zorgtoeslag) if you are eligible for a Dutch public health insurance via the Dutch Tax Office (in Dutch: Belastingdienst).
Letter from the CAK?
You might receive a letter from the CAK* about your mandatory insurance. You need to take action within 3 months, or you will receive a hefty fine. Even if you incorrectly received the letter from the CAK.
* A government organization responsible for the uninsured regulation. Sends the letters, issues a fine and takes further action to get you insured.
More information on insurances
Unsure what type of insurance you need or have a question? Feel free to get in touch with the independent organization "Zorgverzekeringslijn” . For more information on health insurance in the Netherlands, please visit the Study in Holland website.
Registering with a doctor
To arrange a doctor’s appointment or specialist’s referral will require you to register with a local GP (with the exception of emergencies of course). Therefore, this is one of the important things on your to-do-list when you arrive to the Netherlands.
How to register
Most GP’s will only register you as their patient, if you live in the service area of their practice. That is because your GP must be able to reach your home address within 15 minutes in emergencies. As soon as you know where you will be living, you need to register with a GP practice.
You may find a suitable practice by asking other internationals or by using websites like Zorgkaart or Kiesuwhuisarts. The websites are in Dutch, but by entering your postal code or city into the search (zoek) box, you’ll soon find what you need. If you need help, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. You can also use translation tools to help you in the process.
Nearby GP’s (‘huisarts’ or ‘Huisartsenpraktijk’) will be listed on the page for you, most often with a link to their websites. However, not all practices will accept new patients, especially in the larger cities. All GP’s have the same education and most of them will speak English.
Liability insurance
Taking out a third-party liability insurance will cover any accidental damage or harm you may cause to other persons or property during your stay in the Netherlands. This type of insurance is not mandatory but recommended. Liability insurance is included in some international student insurance policies, such as AON’s ICS Complete+ package. Alternatively, you can take out a policy with a Dutch insurer or bank. See the Study in Holland website for further information.