Dr. Hilco van Elten

Associate Professor
Hilco van Elten
  • Healthcare Management
  • Financial Management
  • Management Accounting & Control
  • Thesis coordinator Financial Management
  • Research for Business Administration

Dr. Hilco van Elten is Associate Professor of Financial Management at Nyenrode Business University. He is part of Nyenrode's Faculty Research Center for Corporate Reporting, Finance & Tax

Van Elten is an experienced researcher in the field of management accounting & financial management, both for his own (primarily quantitative) research projects as well as with involved in and/or supervision of large research projects. Throughout his career, Hilco advised over 100 students with their thesis project. His love for research methods and philosophy of science lead him to design, coordinate and teach courses in research methodology for multiple universities (Nyenrode, University of Groningen, Open University, Ede Christian University of Applied Science, and Erasmus University Rotterdam) for students of all levels (bachelor, master, PhD). Hilco rejoined Nyenrode as Associate Professor of Financial Management per September 2022.

Currently, Van Elten is involved in research projects with Erasmus School of Health Policy and Management, Free University Amsterdam, Radboud University Nijmegen, University of Alabama at Birmingham (USA), Amphia hospital Breda and Reinier de Graaf hospital Delft.

Van Elten has won the AAA Accounting, Organizations & Behavior Best Paper Award 2018.

Secondary positions

  • Daily supervisor of two PhD students in Healthcare Management
  • Workshopleader Zijlstra Center Control in the Public Sector (2022)
  • Ad hoc reviewer with Value in Health, Journal of Sustainable Finance & Investment, and Maandblad voor Accountancy en Bedrijfseconomie

Most relevant publications

  • (With S. Sülz, R. Wehrens and E. van Raaij) "Big data healthcare innovations - performance dashboarding as a process of collective sense-making" Journal of Medical Internet Research doi.org/10.2196/30201 (2022)
  • (With I. de Loo and F.F.J.M. Schaepkens) "Managing the Performance of Value Based Healthcare: Insights and Recommendations" (working paper) 
  • (With E. Zwaagstra-Salvado and E. van Raaij) "The Linkages between Reimbursement and Prevention: a Mixed-Methods Approach" Frontiers in Public Health doi.org/ 10.3389/fpubh.2021.750122 (2021)
  • (With S. Sülz and B. van der Kolk) “Performance Measurement in Dutch Hospitals: Exploring Use and Performance Effects amongst Medical and Business Managers” Health Care Management Review Volume 46 - Issue 3 - p 217-226 doi.org/10.1097/ HMR.0000000000000261 (2021)
  • (with S.K. Widener and R.F. Speklé) “Creativity and Control: A Paradox. Evidence from the Levers of Control Framework” Behavioral Research in Accounting, (fall 2017). doi.org/10.2308/bria-51759.