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Legal databases

InView Essential (Kluwer Navigator)

Kluwer Navigator is a legal portal providing access to Dutch legislation, commentaries, case law and legal journals. It includes models, and publications such as Asser, Tekst & Commentaar, Groene Serie, NJ, De Gemeentestem, Binnenlands B...
Legal databases

Legal Intelligence

Legal Intelligence is a legal portal offering full text access to Dutch legislation and fiscal law. It includes models, books, reference books, journals and tools from publishers such as KLuwer, Elsevier, Pels Rijcken. Legal intelligence...
Legal databases

NDFR Nederlandse Documentatie Fiscaal Recht

NDFR is a fiscal database containing Dutch legislation, international and EU legislation, commentaries, case law, legislative proposals, parliamentary history and legal journals. NDFR is in Dutch only. Journals included: Nederlands Tijds...
Legal databases


Unlimited access NLTax knowledge base with: daily news, weekly annotations, background articles and commentary per tax law. - Click on Universities (Dutch)