
Joris Kersten & Julia Baud Well prepared when talking to investors

Well prepared when talking to investors

Community |  August 18 2020
“As a start-up, you need to have the right ammunition and a strong story to convince investors.” Joris Kersten and Julia Baud look back at the Startup Funding & Valuation Seminar hosted at Nyenrode in Amsterdam.
BScBA program Your character and talents are best developed in practice as a Business Administration student

Your character and talents are best developed in practice as a Business Administration student

Community |  June 23 2020
Setting up a strategic marketing plan at O'Neill or starting a water installation at a school in Gambia - that doesn't sound like an average Bachelor of Business Administration. You do not only spend the BSc in Business Administration at Nyenrode Business University in the classroom. Lecturer and coach Herman van der Meulen explains what makes this study so special. "Theory can always be found in books, but no practical experience."
Portrait Edward Ellis-min ‘It's inspiring to see others make progress'

‘It's inspiring to see others make progress'

Community |  June 15 2020
Edward Ellis shares with us his passion for solving people's real problems and building up his new company mïdentity while attending the Full-time MBA in Amsterdam.
Stijn en Tjibbe Nyenrode students selflessly support business owners

Nyenrode students selflessly support business owners

Community |  June 4 2020
Stijn van der Vat and Tjibbe Steenstra wanted to help entrepreneurs instead of keeping their knowledge to themselves.
ElaineVersloot_NewsRoom 'You get to know yourself, and therefore who you are as a leader'

'You get to know yourself, and therefore who you are as a leader'

Community |  May 8 2020
Elaine Versloot left high school with no qualifications. Doing an Executive MBA helped her to understand her own leadership style and land a job as a COO for a growing tech company.
Alec Inden bscba 'An ode to my mother'

'An ode to my mother'

Community |  May 6 2020
On Sunday May 10, it is Mother's Day, three students of the BSc in Business Administration (BScBA) - Alec Inden, Jasper Laarhoven and Axl Dreesen - pay tribute to their mothers who all three have also studied at Nyenrode in the past. How is their bond? What have they learned from their mothers?
Ethiek coronavirus Corona crisis has a positive effect on digitization and productivity

Corona crisis has a positive effect on digitization and productivity

Community |  April 22 2020
Corona crisis has a positive effect on digitization and productivity. As various opinion makers have already pointed out, the Corona pandemic in which we find ourselves, accelerates all kinds of processes. Not only historically, morally and socially. The role of digitization is also accelerating.


Lidy Nebbeling

Communications Advisor

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