
Willem Schramade Bridging gaps between pension funds and local impact investments.

Bridging gaps between pension funds and local impact investments.

Opinion |  July 9 2024
Pension funds are increasingly interested in investments that not only yield returns but also contribute positively to society. However, there are several gaps between pension funds on one side and impact startups and investors on the other.
Willem Schramade Who supports pension funds in local impact deals?

Who supports pension funds in local impact deals?

Opinion |  May 7 2024
An increasing number of pension funds aim to improve the world through their investments. Alongside this goal, there’s a growing desire to create local impact. But how can they achieve this?
Tineke Lambooy laag_LOWRES A sustainable economy starts with business leaders

A sustainable economy starts with business leaders

Opinion |  May 11 2023
Since December 2022, there is a new Corporate Governance Code in place. This Code states that business leaders are responsible for sustainable long-term value creation and that companies must draw up policies for diversity and inclusion. Tineke Lambooy, Professor of Corporate Law at Nyenrode Business Universiteit, explains how business leaders can embed ESG (Environment, Social, Governance) values in their strategy.
Kasteel Nyenrode Business Universiteit conducts research into origins of N.O.I.B

Nyenrode Business Universiteit conducts research into origins of N.O.I.B

Opinion |  April 25 2023
The board of Nyenrode Business Universiteit will conduct a factual investigation into the origins of the Dutch Education Institute for the Abroad (N.O.I.B., predecessor of Nyenrode), including its founders. The research should answer the question as to what extent the founders allowed Dutch interests in the Dutch East Indies to play a role in the establishment of the N.O.I.B. in 1946. 
Yulia Levashova nieuwsbericht_LOWRES How to start embedding human rights in your business

How to start embedding human rights in your business

Opinion |  April 18 2023
There is an urgency to incorporate human rights policy into your business operations, as stated by Yulia Levashova, Assistant professor at Nyenrode Business Universiteit. Besides a moral duty to take good care of your employees and ensure that your company respect human rights, it also makes a ‘good business sense.’
Castle in the sun Transition to sustainability requires an innovative mindset

Transition to sustainability requires an innovative mindset

Opinion |  April 13 2023
To support organizations in the transition to sustainability, Nyenrode Business Universiteit and KPMG jointly founded the ESG Innovation Institute. Dr. Jeroen van der Velden and Prof. Jeff Gaspersz are both connected to this institute and explain how innovation contributes to business transformation.
Pascale Peters nieuwsbericht_LOWRES Publication new book

Publication new book

Opinion |  March 9 2023
We are proud to present the new book ’Virtual Management and the New Normal: New Perspectives on HRM and Leadership since the COVID-19 Pandemic.’
Barbara Majoor Nieuwsbericht_LOWRES How Business Schools should harness their power to make change

How Business Schools should harness their power to make change

Opinion |  September 19 2022
We often underestimate how much power we hold in terms of being able to make a difference. We are all capable of contributing to bettering the world in one form or another.


Lidy Nebbeling

Communications Advisor

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