
Jianhong Zhang nieuwsbericht_LOWRES Impact case of the month: “Emerging multinational enterprises in Global Markets”

Impact case of the month: “Emerging multinational enterprises in Global Markets”

Research |  February 15 2024
In the global economy, emerging economies and their businesses are becoming increasingly important. Jianhong Zhang, Senior Researcher and Associate Professor of International Economics & Business at Nyenrode Business University, researched the opportunities, challenges, and consequences of this development.
Cokky Hillhorst_Controlling_3 Impact case of the month: ‘IT investment decision-making in the public sector’

Impact case of the month: ‘IT investment decision-making in the public sector’

Research |  December 15 2023
The implementation of IT systems in the public sector does not always go smoothly. Cokky Hilhorst, Professor of Business Information Systems at Nyenrode Business University, conducted research into decision-making in IT investments, specifically focused on public organizations. This has led to valuable insights that help organizations gain more control over their IT expenditure.
Tineke Lambooy laag_LOWRES Nature is increasingly being given legal rights: 'This is how we can really save nature'

Nature is increasingly being given legal rights: 'This is how we can really save nature'

Research |  November 30 2023
Since 2017, Nyenrode Business University professor Tineke Lambooy has been researching the globally innovative legal trend of 'Rights of Nature'. Internationally and also in the Netherlands, she is a forerunner in this field. "The purpose of granting rights to natural objects or entities such as rivers, forests, mountains and animals is to recognise their intrinsic value and give them a voice. If a natural area or river has rights, this natural entity is able to act in public debate and court. Just like us and government agencies, companies, foundations and associations. For instance, nature can stir when a decision by a public or private party threatens its survival or when there is behaviour that damages the quality of nature," Lambooy said.
Michael Erkens nieuwsbericht Executive misconduct and the recovery of compensation

Executive misconduct and the recovery of compensation

Research |  October 19 2023
Clawback clauses stipulate that an employee must repay (part of) his variable remuneration if it turns out in retrospect that it should not have been paid out. Prof Dr Michael Erkens is Professor of Corporate Reporting at Nyenrode Business University and examined what these clauses must meet to be effective. He also looked at what the consequences were of effective versus ineffective clawbacks. The outcome of the study resulted in the mandatory implementation of effective clawback clauses in the United States.
Albert Plugge Prof. dr. Albert Plugge appointed as Professor ESG Transformation & Digital Innovation

Prof. dr. Albert Plugge appointed as Professor ESG Transformation & Digital Innovation

Education |  October 9 2023
Prof. Dr. Albert Plugge has been appointed as Professor of ESG Transformation & Digital Innovation at Nyenrode Business University as of September 1. He is part of the Expertise Center Entrepreneurship, Governance & Stewardship.
Willem Schramade Dr. Willem Schramade appointed as Professor of Finance

Dr. Willem Schramade appointed as Professor of Finance

Education |  October 3 2023
Dr. Willem Schramade has been appointed as Professor of Finance at Nyenrode Business University as of October 1, 2023. Schramade is part of the Nyenrode Faculty Expertise Center Corporate Reporting, Finance & Tax.
barbara bier foto 1 Barbara Beer (re)appointed Professor of Corporate Governance

Barbara Beer (re)appointed Professor of Corporate Governance

Education |  June 29 2023
Barbara Bier has been (re)appointed professor of Corporate Governance at Nyenrode Business University with effect from 1 June. She is part of the Nyenrode Faculty Expertise Centre Entrepreneurship, Governance & Stewardship.
Henk Kievit Big issues require a new, entrepreneurial mindset, says Professor Henk Kievit

Big issues require a new, entrepreneurial mindset, says Professor Henk Kievit

Research |  June 2 2023
When dealing with major social issues, an entrepreneurial mindset is essential. This is the conviction of Henk Kievit, Professor of Entrepreneurship & Ecosystems, which he addressed in his inaugural speech. The findings of his research provide insight into the mentality that is required to realize innovative and sustainable solutions. “By focusing on collaboration with multiple parties, organizations contribute to a resilient and future-proof society.”


Lidy Nebbeling

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