
Bogtstra & Renes Lack of Internal Audit Function an underlying risk

Lack of Internal Audit Function an underlying risk

Research |  January 16 2018
While larger listed companies are increasingly introducing an Internal Audit Function (IAF), this position rarely exists within smaller listed companies. The main reason cited is that these firms believe they are too small for such a role. This is one of the conclusions of the Internal Audit Monitor 2017 study carried out by FSV Risk Advisory on behalf of the Stichting Vaktechnisch Onderzoek IIA in collaboration with Nyenrode Business Universiteit.
kasteel THE MISSION: Making enterprises and markets fit for long term value creation for all stakeholders & society

THE MISSION: Making enterprises and markets fit for long term value creation for all stakeholders & society

Opinion |  September 29 2017
The paradigm for, notably, listed and other systemic business (including institutional investors) is changing with business stewardship focusing on balanced long term value creation for all stakeholders and aligned with a widely-accepted societal agenda.


Lidy Nebbeling

Communications Advisor

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