
Studenten Students choose Nyenrode for its atmosphere and practice guidance

Students choose Nyenrode for its atmosphere and practice guidance

Education |  June 20 2022
Students at Nyenrode Business Universiteit are very satisfied with their program, just like previous years. This is evident from the annual National Student Survey 2022 (NSS) by Studykeuze123.
Ondertekening BUas Nyenrode-5 New partnership between Breda University of Applied sciences and Nyenrode Business University

New partnership between Breda University of Applied sciences and Nyenrode Business University

Education |  June 13 2022
A partnership agreement between the Academic Pre-master in Strategic Business Management & Marketing (SBM) of Breda University of Applied Sciences (BUas) and the Nyenrode Business University has officially been sealed.
English Accounting Nyenrode Launches English (Pre-)Master Accounting Program

Nyenrode Launches English (Pre-)Master Accounting Program

Education |  May 23 2022
Starting next fall, Nyenrode Business University will offer an English, part-time Accounting Program.
Samenwerking KPMG en Nyenrode Nyenrode and KPMG establish the ESG Innovation Institute

Nyenrode and KPMG establish the ESG Innovation Institute

Education |  March 29 2022
Making the latest knowledge accessible to any organization that wants to accelerate its sustainability efforts, that is the goal of the cooperation between KPMG and Nyenrode Business Universiteit.
Faculteit Jeroen Bijl and Jurriën van der Heijden new Nyenrode professors

Jeroen Bijl and Jurriën van der Heijden new Nyenrode professors

Education |  March 24 2022
In preparation for the Master's in Fiscal Economics to be introduced, Nyenrode has appointed two new professors. Professor Jeroen Bijl has been appointed professor of Indirect Taxation while Professor Jurriën van der Heijden RA has been appointed professor of Fiscal Economics & Tax Accounting.
Michael Erkens Michael Erkens as new professor of Financial Reporting as of January 1

Michael Erkens as new professor of Financial Reporting as of January 1

Education |  January 3 2022
On January 1st, 2022, Dr. Michael H.R. Erkens joins Nyenrode Business University as Professor of Financial Reporting.
Zegel Making a real difference with sustainable marketing.

Making a real difference with sustainable marketing.

Education |  December 20 2021
On December 20 NIMA and Nyenrode Business University digitally signed a collaboration agreement. The signing also kicks off a new marketing program offered by both parties.
1200 x 800 Stock Photo Higher placement Nyenrode fulltime MBA and MSc in Management in the FT rankings

Higher placement Nyenrode fulltime MBA and MSc in Management in the FT rankings

Education |  December 7 2021
The full-time MBA and Master of Science in Management programs of Nyenrode Business Universiteit moved up several places in the FT-ranking.


Lidy Nebbeling

Communications Advisor

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