News overview


Ruud Vergoossen nieuwsbericht_LOWRES “The accountancy degree program requires integration and differentiation”

“The accountancy degree program requires integration and differentiation”

February 29 2024
Long gone are the days when accountancy was solely about financial reporting. Themes such as sustainability, fraud detection and cybersecurity are also coming to the fore. This requires adjustments in the degree program, as Prof. Dr. Ruud Vergoossen RA asserted on Feb. 29 in his emeritus speech.
Ries Breijer Sustainability and the role of corporate reporting

Sustainability and the role of corporate reporting

Research |  December 18 2023
How can we encourage organizations to reduce their negative environmental and societal impacts? This question is central to the research of Ries Breijer, who obtained his PhD on December 18th. His research shows that regulatory changes on non-financial and financial reporting can play an important role.
krijn-van-der-lugt-Iens1y34FxM-unsplash Accounting questions in the Circular Economy

Accounting questions in the Circular Economy

Research |  January 14 2020
A white paper launched by a new coalition for circular accounting, demonstrates how to modify and rethink current financing and reporting practices for the circular economy.
Oratie Olof Bik “Auditors should stand their ground in public debate.”

“Auditors should stand their ground in public debate.”

Research |  September 18 2019
Prof Dr Olof Bik delivered his inaugural speech titled: ‘Crossing the divide: behavioral research in auditing’.
Afscheid Prof. dr. H.P.A.J. Langendijk CSF190084-437 Let umbrella organizations appoint and pay auditors

Let umbrella organizations appoint and pay auditors

About Nyenrode |  March 29 2019
On March 29, 2019, Prof Dr Henk Langendijk said goodbye as a professor at Nyenrode Business University. In Nyenrode’s Pfizer room, he delivered his farewell speech titled: ‘The (un)true and fair view of the annual financial statements and the position of the auditor.’ His most important advice is to have auditors appointed and paid by umbrella organizations in order to create more impartiality.
Professional skepticism of young accountants under pressure

Professional skepticism of young accountants under pressure

Research |  May 16 2018
Young professionals within the accountancy sector experience high levels of work pressure, which compromises their professional skepticism and thus the quality of their work.


Lidy Nebbeling

Communications Advisor

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