News overview


Albert Plugge 'Those who embrace ESG fuel innovation'

'Those who embrace ESG fuel innovation'

Research |  June 14 2024
Organizations must restore the balance between business continuity and concern for people, nature and society, according to Prof. Albert Plugge in his inaugural speech on June 14. Plugge is professor of ESG Transformation & Digital Innovation at Nyenrode Business University. "Financial interests have prevailed since the industrial revolution, but that concept is no longer tenable."
Willem Schramade Challenges for the CFO focusing on integrated value

Challenges for the CFO focusing on integrated value

Research |  March 26 2024
When it comes to making choices, it's a real pickle. This pretty much sums up the biggest challenges for financial professionals aiming to steer towards integrated value. Surprisingly, the oft-cited issue of data availability isn't the main hurdle for these individuals. The real challenge lies in decision-making.
Willem Schramade Which CFO focuses on integrated value?

Which CFO focuses on integrated value?

Research |  November 21 2023
Yes, sustainability is high on the agenda of most managers and directors. But how serious and concrete is it? By expressing social and ecological issues financially, their size and importance become more visible and they can become central to the business strategy.
Albert Plugge Prof. dr. Albert Plugge appointed as Professor ESG Transformation & Digital Innovation

Prof. dr. Albert Plugge appointed as Professor ESG Transformation & Digital Innovation

Education |  October 9 2023
Prof. Dr. Albert Plugge has been appointed as Professor of ESG Transformation & Digital Innovation at Nyenrode Business University as of September 1. He is part of the Expertise Center Entrepreneurship, Governance & Stewardship.
Yulia Levashova nieuwsbericht_LOWRES How to start embedding human rights in your business

How to start embedding human rights in your business

Opinion |  April 18 2023
There is an urgency to incorporate human rights policy into your business operations, as stated by Yulia Levashova, Assistant professor at Nyenrode Business Universiteit. Besides a moral duty to take good care of your employees and ensure that your company respect human rights, it also makes a ‘good business sense.’
Castle in the sun Transition to sustainability requires an innovative mindset

Transition to sustainability requires an innovative mindset

Opinion |  April 13 2023
To support organizations in the transition to sustainability, Nyenrode Business Universiteit and KPMG jointly founded the ESG Innovation Institute. Dr. Jeroen van der Velden and Prof. Jeff Gaspersz are both connected to this institute and explain how innovation contributes to business transformation.
René P. Orij portret 2019 laag Sustainability reporting: from exceptional to mainstream

Sustainability reporting: from exceptional to mainstream

Research |  March 8 2023
Until a few years ago, corporate transparency about their activities and their impact on society and the environment was still exceptional and non-committal. However, sustainability reporting is now for many companies a mandatory part of accounting for what they do, and has become common good. René Orij, who recently was appointed as full professor at Nyenrode Business Universiteit, has conducted important research in this area.
René P. Orij René Orij appointed Professor of Corporate Sustainability Reporting

René Orij appointed Professor of Corporate Sustainability Reporting

About Nyenrode |  March 1 2023
Today, René Orij was appointed as Professor of Corporate Sustainability Reporting at Nyenrode Business University. "With my future research, I want to hold up a mirror to companies and accountants: think about the importance of transparency about sustainability."


Lidy Nebbeling

Communications Advisor

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