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NT1_4062 small Nyenrode students satisfied thanks to high-quality professors and strong practical connections

Nyenrode students satisfied thanks to high-quality professors and strong practical connections

Education |  May 31 2024
Students reaffirm that Nyenrode Business University is the ideal place to build a solid foundation for a successful career, thanks to its strong practical connections and high-quality professors. This is evident from the recent Nationale Studenten Enquete (National Student Survey, NSE) by independent platform Studiekeuze123.
FiscaalRechtHero Nyenrode's masters receive praise from students for their faculty and robust career preparation

Nyenrode's masters receive praise from students for their faculty and robust career preparation

Education |  March 21 2024
Nyenrode provides students with an optimal environment to prepare for a successful career. This is emphasized in the recently released Keuzegids Masters 2024 by students, who highlight the crucial role of faculty. Lecturers at Nyenrode are often also active in the business world in addition to their academic roles, which is highly beneficial for students.
-content-presspage-com-uploads-865-500_nyenrodecastle-jpg Students at Nyenrode are highly satisfied with the strong practical orientation of their education

Students at Nyenrode are highly satisfied with the strong practical orientation of their education

Education |  July 7 2023
Students at Nyenrode Business University are once again highly satisfied with their education, as shown in the recent National Student Survey (NSE). Like in previous years, our students have expressed their appreciation for the strong practical orientation of their programs.
image klein Nyenrode scores again above average on practical orientation

Nyenrode scores again above average on practical orientation

Education |  April 16 2020
The master's programs at Nyenrode Business University score above average when it comes to practical orientation.


Lidy Nebbeling

Communications Advisor

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