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Yulia Levashova nieuwsbericht_LOWRES How to start embedding human rights in your business

How to start embedding human rights in your business

Opinion |  April 18 2023
There is an urgency to incorporate human rights policy into your business operations, as stated by Yulia Levashova, Assistant professor at Nyenrode Business Universiteit. Besides a moral duty to take good care of your employees and ensure that your company respect human rights, it also makes a ‘good business sense.’
Yulia Levashova nieuwsbericht_LOWRES Necessary transition to sustainable investments

Necessary transition to sustainable investments

Research |  June 23 2022
The transition from FDI to sustainable investment is necessary to combat climate change, because international investment laws and policies play a key role in countries' commitment to climate change.


Lidy Nebbeling

Communications Advisor

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