Nyenrode re-accredited by EQUIS

December 20 2018
About Nyenrode

On December 11, 2018 EFMD awarded Nyenrode an extension of its EQUIS accreditation for three years. EFMD is t globally recognized accreditation body for business schools. Their EQUIS accreditation certifies a continuous quality improvement process, benchmarking the university against international criteria in terms of governance, programs, students, faculty and research. Foremost among the considerations were internationalization, ethics, CSR and sustainability, and corporate engagement.

Dedicated alumni

In the accreditation, EFMD set up a Peer Review Team (PRT) and endorsed the recommendations of this team in a report. The team was ‘impressed by the quality of the alumni whom they met and their continuous engagement and dedication to the School’. They pointed out that ‘corporate partners of Nyenrode, whether alumni or not, find true joy in working with the School, which they consider extremely open and responsive to comments and suggestions’.

‘Excellent teaching linking theory to practice’

The EFMD praises Nyenrode’s ‘excellent corporate connections’ and state that Nyenrode ‘is valued for excellent teaching linking theory to practice and aligning course content with the current needs of the markets.’ Further on, they commend the university ‘for being committed to ethics, responsibility and sustainability’.

Core values

EFMD continues with emphasizing that EQUIS ‘attaches particular importance to the creation of an effective learning environment that favors the development of students’ managerial and entrepreneurial skills and that fosters their personal development and sense of global responsibility.’ All this is in line with Nyenrode’s core values: Leadership, Entrepreneurship and Stewardship.
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