Executive ESG Program

To be determined
3 x 24h-sessions
On request

Transform your organization and increase your positive impact

The latest ESG knowledge and insights to transform your organization and be able to increase your positive impact on people, planet and society.

We are on the way to a sustainable economy. An economy in which the ESG pillars are central: 'Environment, Social, Governance'. As a company or institution you can no longer ignore it: your activities affect people, the environment and society. And the transition to sustainability means that you as an organization take responsibility for this. Organizations that take the lead in this respect live the ESG values and act accordingly. Those organizations become valuable for their clients, employees and other stakeholders.

  • Develop a strategic voice and vision for ESG transformation
  • Drive ESG-transformations in your organization
  • Collate and curate a body of knowledge around ESG, which can be shared across the business community

Learning journey

The Customized Executive ESG Program is a customized program fot KPMG partners and directors. This program is specially designed to support them in the ESG transformation of their organizations. They will develop a new way of thinking and acting, based on the latest insights from both science and practice.

Tangible value for you

  • Work on your ESG transformation challenge throughout program
  • Deep dive into the ESG landscape, learn from global companies, identify risks and opportunities
  • Understand ESG best practices and how to apply these to drive organizational transformation
  • Explore the organizational implications of committing to ESG
  • Effectively communicate your vision for transformation

Tangible value for your organization

  • Deliver higher value for your organization, with improved decision-making on ESG transformation
  • Become part of a long lasting and engaged community of transformation, enabled by Nyenrode’s & KPMG’s contacts with the corporate world
  • Contribute to long-term positive impact and benefit society

This program is part of the ESG Innovation Institute, a collaboration between KPMG and Nyenrode Business Universiteit

Who do you get lectured by?

Jeroen Veldman is associate Professor at Nyenrode Business Universiteit
Associate Professor
Jeroen van der Velden is associate professor of Strategy Alignment and Director of the Center for Strategy, Organization & Leadership at Nyenrode Business Universiteit.
Anke van Hal is professor Sustainable Building at the Center for Entrepreneurship, Governance & Stewardship at Nyenrode Business Universiteit.
André Nijhof (1969) is full professor in the fields of Sustainable Business and Stewardship at Nyenrode Business Universiteit.
Jaap Schaveling is Professor of Cooperation & Leadership at Nyenrode Business Universiteit.
Linda Reumers
Drs. Linda Reumers RA
Program Manager
Linda Reumers is a senior manager within the KPMG Sustainability Advisory team in the Netherlands with 15+ years consulting and assurance experience.
Manon Doesborgh
Manon Doesborgh
Program Manager
Manon Doesborgh is Program-manager at the Customized Executive Education team of Nyenrode Business Universiteit.
Tom Cummings
Tom Cummings BA MA
Tom Cummings is an Executive Board and senior management adviser and lecturer.
Muel Kaptein
Prof. dr. Muel Kaptein
Partner KPMG Risk & Regulatory
Muel Kaptein has been active as an organizational consultant and auditor in the field of business ethics, integrity and compliance since 1991.
Brigitte Campfens MSc
Brigitte Campfens is a Senior Manager at KPMG’s sustainability practice with over 20 years of experience in the food & retail sector.

Program outline

The classes will be offered in 3x 24h sessions. Before the program, the participant will have a intake to define the ESG challenge and learning goal. The program will take place from 13.00h till 13.00h next day. We will end the program with a taka away lunch.

Module 1: ESG & Impact in the World
Become aware of the complexity & impact of ESG

  • Learn about ESG developments and regulations in the world & the impact on organizations - Prof Dr. Leen Paape or Prof. Dr.  André Nijhof
  • Understand the role of public and private institutions in different transition phases - Guest speaker from practice & KPMG speaker
  • CoP: Understand the complexity and systemic connections & develop a vision on ESG-dilemmas - Prof. Dr. Jeroen van der Velden or Prof. Dr.  Jeroen Veldman

Module 2: ESG & Organizational Transformation
Develop an eco-systems view on transformation

  • CoP: Co-create eco-system map & transformation strategies - Prof. Dr. Ir. Anke van Hal and/or Maurice Coen Msc
  • Explore how organizations deal with new legislations, diverse interests & societal changes, what are best practices - Guest speaker from practice & KPMG speaker
  • Design strategies to deal with risks & opportunities through the merger of interests, networks and partnerships- Prof. Dr. Jeroen van der Velden or Prof. Dr.  Jeroen Veldman

Module 3: ESG & Leadership
Drive and lead change

  • Define how you can drive and lead ESG change and transformational dialogues - Prof. Dr. Jaap Schaveling and/or Tom Cummings
  • Learn how to deal with discomfort in the boardroom - Guest speaker from practice & KPMG speaker
  • CoP: Become conscious about your personal drives and view on necessary changes and paradigm shifts & how to work together in a meaningful Community of Transformation - Prof. Dr. Jeroen van der Velden or Prof. Dr.  Jeroen Veldman

Registration & more information

This program is a customized program, special for KPMG partners and their clients.  We can make this program for your organization. Are you interested or if you have any questions about the program, please contact our Program Coördinator Iris van Soest.