Prof. dr. Bob Hoogenboom (emeritus)

Job title Professor
Phone number +31 346 295 719
Bob Hoogenboom


Prof. dr. Bob Hoogenboom is professor of Forensic Business Studies at Nyenrode Business University. He is part of Nyenrode's Faculty Research Center for Accounting, Auditing & Control. He is currently involved with the Institute of Forensic Accountancy (Instituut voor Forensische Accountancy), he is a member of Transparency International Nederland and of the Netherlands Intelligence Study Association (NISA).

His publications, amongst which his dissertation, concern research topics in the field of fraud and fraud prevention, integrity issues and public-private collaboration in the security industry. 

Hoogenboom obtained his degree in 'history of society' at the Erasmus University in Rotterdam. He subsequently was employed at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Science and Research Advise Center (Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek en Adviescentrum), the Ministry of Justice, Leiden University (Public Administration department), Erasmus University Rotterdam (criminology), The Dutch Police Academy (Nederlandse Politieacademie) and Ernst & Young Forensic Services.

