Prof. dr. Jack van der Veen

Jack van der Veen


In the rapidly changing world, a new management paradigm focused on collaboration for customer value generating processes is needed.

Prof. Dr. Jack van der Veen is Professor of Supply Chain Management at the Expertise Center Marketing & Supply Chain Management at Nyenrode Business Universiteit.

In 1986 Van der Veen completed his studies in Econometrics (cum laude) and in 1992 he received his doctorate in Economic Sciences from the University of Groningen. He came to Nyenrode in 1990 and has worked in various roles at Nyenrode, with a brief interruption (2009-2012 when he was at the University of Amsterdam). His current roles include vice chairman of the General Management Examination Board (ECGM) and technical chairman of the Central Examination Committee (CEC).

Van der Veen's research interests are in the areas of Operations Research, Operations & Logistics Management, Sustainability and Supply Chain Management. Within his work, implementation issues in chain cooperation are central. Thereby he is interested in how cooperation in internal and external chains can be stimulated and the underlying problems can be removed. This is multidisciplinary research in which cooperation between disciplines is very important; for this, Nyenrode with its inspiring and committed colleagues is a great environment.

Van der Veen has published many articles, both in international research journals and in management-oriented journals. He also regularly publishes blogs & columns on chain cooperation, sustainability, digitalization and (social) innovation on various websites.


In his spare time, Van der Veen enjoys playing bridge and is active in the tennis club.

Most relevant publications

  • Van der Veen, J.A.A & Van Buren, M. (2021). Regisseer de Keten – Een managementmethode die leidt tot wendbaarheid en waarde voor organisaties, mensen en maatschappij. Boom uitgevers, Amsterdam
  • Solaimani, S. & Van der Veen, J.A.A. (2021). Open Supply Chain Innovation: An extended view on Supply Chain Collaboration. Supply Chain Management – An International Journal.
  • Koning, I; van der Veen, J.A.A.; Lambooy, T.; Ochquee, P.; Stekelenburg, A. & van Hattum, B. (2023). De Rol van Recht en handhaving bij de Verduurzaming van Logistieke Ketens. Boom criminologie, Den Haag.
  • Van der Veen, J.A.A. (2024). Supply Chain Collaboration: Turning the theory into a reality for Dutch organizations. Societal Impacts.
  • Ahmadi, T., Van der Veen, J.A.A., Venugopal, V., & Kamran, M. A. (2024). Conditions for viable horizontal collaborative transport: insights from a stylized model. International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering47(5), 1-35.
