Give it your all and celebrate your successes. Learn from your mistakes (preferably from other people's mistakes) and always look ahead.
Prof. Dr. Erik Brouwer is a professor in the field of (sustainable) innovation, competition, and measuring broad prosperity at the Expertisecenter Accounting, Auditing, and Control at Nyenrode Business University.
As a teacher and mentor, he aims to contribute to the understanding of sustainable innovation, broad prosperity, and their impact on organizations. Brouwer researches how companies can create long-term value and have a meaningful impact by supporting the SDGs. He is interested in the transition to sustainable innovation, whether it's incremental or drastic, and what this process looks like for businesses.
Brouwer is an extraordinary professor and head of the Mededinging Luchtvaart & Innovatie cluster at SEO Amsterdam Economics. With over 30 years of experience in applied economic research and consultancy, he specializes in the use of quantitative methods and policy evaluation. Erik is a pioneer in empirical innovation research in the Netherlands.
He assists his clients in objectifying and rationalizing choices by disentangling and isolating the key effects. Thanks to his background as a former Director of Risk Management at LeasePlan and PwC, he has extensive experience with uncertainties and their impact on profitability.
Brouwer also supports the National Growth Fund in assessing the profitability of numerous growth fund proposals. He has previously conducted research on the impact of Ahold Delhaize on the Dutch economy.
Brouwer's goal is to inspire people to be curious so that they can see opportunities in annoyances and uncertainties, with the aim of actively seeking continuous innovation.
Brouwer loves photography. When he sees something beautiful or unique, he wants to capture it. Additionally, he enjoys sports. He likes swimming and running in the morning.
Relevant publications
- Hilhorst, C., Behrens, C., Brouwer, E., Sneller, L., (2022). Efficiency gains in public service delivery through information technology in municipalities. In Government Information Quarterly, 16 juni 2022.
- Bos, B., Brouwer, E., Wiel, H. van der, Roelandt, T., (2022). Coronasteun op bedrijfsdynamiek lijkt beperkt. In: Economische Statistische Berichten
- Roelandt, T., Wiel, H. van der, Smits, T., Brouwer, E. (2022). Bedrijven met coronasteun verkleinen de flexibele schil. In: Economische Statistische Berichten, 2 maart 2022
- Roelandt, T., Wiel, H. van der, Brouwer, E., Bos, B. (2021). Coronasteunbeleid redt de zwakkere maar ook de innoverende bedrijven. In: Economische Statistische Berichten, 29 juni 2021.
- Brouwer, E. & Hilhorst C. (2020). Coronacrisis heeft positieve uitwerking op digitalisering en productiviteit. Het Financieele Dagblad, 15 april 2020.
- Smits, T., Buiren, K. van, Gerritsen, M. & Brouwer, E. (2020). Duur van coronamaatregelen bepalend in degradatiestrijd en voor Europees ticket. In: Economische Statistische Berichten, 24 nov 2020
- Discipline