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62 information sources

  • International Labour Organization

    Type: Interesting links
    Access: Free

    Reports and data on social security, labour and health services.

  • International Monetary Fund

    Type: Interesting links
    Access: Free

    IMF publications and reports arranged by country.

  • Internet Archive

    Type: Library catalogs
    Access: Free

    The Internet Archive contains many resources, such as e-books, from various institutions around the globe. Many libraries and universities share their books online to help students find information even when physical books are not accessible.

  • Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy

    Type: Interesting links
    Access: Free

    Scholarly information on key topics and philosophers in all areas of philosophy. Including ethics.

  • InView Essential (Kluwer Navigator)

    Type: Legal databases
    Access: Free

    Kluwer Navigator is a legal portal providing access to Dutch legislation, commentaries, case law and legal journals. It includes models, and publications such as Asser, Tekst & Commentaar, Groene Serie, NJ, De Gemeentestem, Binnenlands Bestuur, De Vakstudie, BNB, Vakstudie Nieuws en Cursus Belastingrecht. Kluwer Navigator is in Dutch only.

  • JASP

    Type: Academic software
    Access: Free

    JASP is freely available open-source statistical software that is being developed at the University of Amsterdam. JASP looks and feels very similar to SPSS, it offers all standard frequentist analyses and, in addition, specializes in Bayesian counterparts of these analyses that are not easily available in other academic software. In addition to the analyses, JASP offers several modules for SEM, meta-analysis, machine learning, network analysis, and auditing. JASP uses a point-and-click interface that dynamically updates results as the options are changed. JASP is ideal for publishing analyses, since it’s output is in the form of publishable APA tables and figures. JASP is also great for collaborations, since researchers can annotate their output and share in easily in a file or through the Open Science Framework (OSF).

  • Journal Finder

    Type: Online journals
    Access: Free

    Journal Finder is a list of all online and printed journals offered by the library. In this list you can search for titles of journals and click directly to the database containing the journal.

  • Legal Intelligence

    Type: Legal databases
    Access: For Nyenrode students and staff only

    Legal Intelligence is a legal portal offering full text access to Dutch legislation and fiscal law. It includes models, books, reference books, journals and tools from publishers such as KLuwer, Elsevier, Pels Rijcken. Legal intelligence enables you to search several Dutch legal databases simultaneously. It includes subscribed sources as well as free internet databases, such and Legal Intelligence is in Dutch only.

  • Mplus

    Type: Academic software
    Access: Free

    Mplus is a statistical modeling program hat offers researchers a wide choice of models, estimators, and algorithms in a program that has an easy-to-use interface and graphical displays of data and analysis results. The Mplus demo is identical to the regular version with only a limited number of variables.


    Type: Research papers
    Access: Free

    NARCIS is the Dutch National Academic Research and Collaborations Information System. It consists of: Open access publications from all Dutch universities, scientific institutes, KNAW and NWO. Doctoral e-theses form all Dutch Universities. Datasets in the fields of social sciences and arts and humanities. Addresses and teachings of professors and associate professors. Names, expertise and research data of researchers. Profiles, addresses and research data of universities and research institutes. Project descriptions of current and completed research projects.
