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Financial Economic databases

AtoZ World Business

Information on global business, business culture and negotiating in different countries, including laws and regulations for import and export.
Financial Economic databases

Fitch Connect (formerly known as BMI)

The new Fitch Solutions platform offers macroeconomic insight. It is possible to take a look at country or sector data. Additionally, Fitch offers analyses and quarterly reports for a deep dive in information.
Statistical databases


StatLine is the electronic database of Statistics Netherlands. The database contains statistical information on The Netherlands presented in tables and graphs, including time series on many social and economic subjects and information on...
Interesting links

World Economic Forum

Global Competitiveness Reports, Scenario reports, Global Risk Reports, Cimate Reports and Private Equity Reports.
Interesting links

World Economic Outlook

Also available in the book collection of the Nyenrode library: see location 950B01.
Interesting links

World Health Organization

Health statistics by country (not quite up to date).