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Financial Economic databases

The database contains fulltext annual reports and company information about Dutch organisations. The website is available in Dutch only.
Financial Economic databases


International database containing data on equities, bonds, interest rates, exchange rates, financial company information and macro- economic data.<br /><br />The sources of the data are the IMF, OECD, national governments, the Deutsche B...
Interesting links


Evonomics is a free, online platform that offers challenging ideas about the changing economy from multi-disciplinary perspectives. Among its contributors are Nobel Laureates in economy, psychologists, investors, biologists, financial ma...
Financial Economic databases

Fitch Connect (formerly known as BMI)

The new Fitch Solutions platform offers macroeconomic insight. It is possible to take a look at country or sector data. Additionally, Fitch offers analyses and quarterly reports for a deep dive in information.
Financial Economic databases

Orbis Europe

Orbis contains detailed financial information and other company information of European companies. Included are: activities, 10 years of financial information, ownership information, and accounting practices. The database provides tools ...