
Bob Chapman en zaal 71st Dies Natalis: How can you make a difference with leadership?

71st Dies Natalis: How can you make a difference with leadership?

Community |  November 20 2017
On November 20th Nyenrode Business Universiteit celebrated its anniversary, the Dies Natalis. Nyenrode was founded in 1946 by directors of Dutch multinationals. The theme of leadership was the central focus during this 71st Dies celebration. The keynote speaker was Bob Chapman, CEO of multinational Barry Wehmiller, a company with 12,000 employees and a turnover of $3 billion. Chapman gave an inspirational speech about his mission: Truly Human Leadership.
Bachelor 5 Students rate Nyenrode Bachelor programs as number 1 in the Netherlands

Students rate Nyenrode Bachelor programs as number 1 in the Netherlands

About Nyenrode |  November 16 2017
The Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Business Administration and the part-time BSc in Accountancy at Nyenrode Business Universiteit were rated as the best programs in their category in the ‘Keuzegids Universiteiten 2018’ (selection guide for universities). The BSc in Business Administration even tied for first place in the ranking of all bachelor programs in the Netherlands.
Digital Business
Mastering digital business #LifeasaNyenrodian

Mastering digital business #LifeasaNyenrodian

Community |  November 3 2017
Full-time Master (MSc) in Management students reflect on their experience in the course Digital Business.
Laan bomen Innovative strength of family businesses has great potential

Innovative strength of family businesses has great potential

Research |  November 1 2017
The outcomes of research on innovation in family businesses debunk the myth that family businesses are not innovative. This is according to the research report by Prof. Dr. Roberto Flören, professor of family businesses at Nyenrode Business Universiteit, in collaboration with ING and NPM Capital. Family business owners are more supportive of innovation policy than owners of non-family businesses. At the same time, the study shows that when more financial resources are available, nearly one-third of family businesses will be more innovative. Family businesses are therefore on par with other types of businesses when it comes to innovation.
kasteel Discovering the Puzzle of Energy #LifeasaNyenrodian

Discovering the Puzzle of Energy #LifeasaNyenrodian

Community |  October 22 2017
This October, we were given the opportunity to represent Nyenrode Business Universiteit at the Youth Day of the 3rd St. Petersburg International Gas Forum. The Youth Day was set in St. Petersburg’s Expoforum and featured a three-day program that was highlighted by a one-day case competition. During the event, we surged into a deep dive in the global natural gas industry.
Nyenrode Business Universiteit Nyenrode celebrates expansion to Amsterdam by sounding gong at AEX

Nyenrode celebrates expansion to Amsterdam by sounding gong at AEX

About Nyenrode |  October 20 2017
On October 20th, students from Nyenrode Business Universiteit marked the university’s arrival in Amsterdam by sounding the gong to open the trading day at the AEX. They were accompanied by Jessica Peters-Hondelink, location director of Nyenrode Amsterdam.
Dank De Donor Dag 2017 Nyenrode Fund Thank The Donor Day 2017

Nyenrode Fund Thank The Donor Day 2017

Community |  October 12 2017
On Saturday, October 7th, 2017, Nyenrode Fund (Stichting Nyenrode Fonds or SNF) held its annual Thank The Donor Day. The fund organizes this event each year to pay tribute to its donors. Nine students also received the checks for their scholarships, awarded in celebratory fashion by representatives of the donors who made the scholarships possible.
Appels Will we drown under the wave of Industry 4.0?

Will we drown under the wave of Industry 4.0?

Opinion |  October 11 2017
Digital transformation, spearheaded by technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, robotics, biotechnology and the Internet of Things, is likely to push societies towards economic and political instability. With most economic structures relying almost entirely on employment – and on employees spending their wages – mass redundancy caused by ever-more efficient tech taking on human roles could throw the system into chaos and significantly widen the gap between the rich and the poor. As politicians scramble to resolve these issues, the resulting decline in taxes and business subsidies is likely to make governing problematic.


Lidy Nebbeling

Communications Advisor

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