News overview


Albert Plugge 'Those who embrace ESG fuel innovation'

'Those who embrace ESG fuel innovation'

Research |  June 14 2024
Organizations must restore the balance between business continuity and concern for people, nature and society, according to Prof. Albert Plugge in his inaugural speech on June 14. Plugge is professor of ESG Transformation & Digital Innovation at Nyenrode Business University. "Financial interests have prevailed since the industrial revolution, but that concept is no longer tenable."
Oratie Jeroen Veldman Corporate governance: ‘More and more parties are knocking on the door’

Corporate governance: ‘More and more parties are knocking on the door’

Research |  May 29 2024
The way we govern our enterprises is under pressure, according to Prof. Dr. Jeroen Veldman in his inaugural lecture on May 29. “Organizations are increasingly confronted with expectations from various quarters. These expectations often pertain to mitigating systemic risks such as climate change. This development affects how we implement corporate governance."
Albert Plugge Prof. dr. Albert Plugge appointed as Professor ESG Transformation & Digital Innovation

Prof. dr. Albert Plugge appointed as Professor ESG Transformation & Digital Innovation

Education |  October 9 2023
Prof. Dr. Albert Plugge has been appointed as Professor of ESG Transformation & Digital Innovation at Nyenrode Business University as of September 1. He is part of the Expertise Center Entrepreneurship, Governance & Stewardship.
Yulia Levashova nieuwsbericht_LOWRES How to start embedding human rights in your business

How to start embedding human rights in your business

Opinion |  April 18 2023
There is an urgency to incorporate human rights policy into your business operations, as stated by Yulia Levashova, Assistant professor at Nyenrode Business Universiteit. Besides a moral duty to take good care of your employees and ensure that your company respect human rights, it also makes a ‘good business sense.’
Jeroen Veldman Five issues for ESG

Five issues for ESG

Education |  February 17 2023
ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) dominates discussions in the boardroom. The reason for the growing importance attached to ESG is that it will significantly affect the landscape in which companies and boards operate.
Coach House Transparency about ESG: Telling an honest story about sustainability

Transparency about ESG: Telling an honest story about sustainability

Research |  December 20 2022
Major social issues continue to have an increasing impact, also on the business community. And these issues increasingly require corporate involvement. Remko Renes (member of the Nyenrode Corporate Governance Institute) and Auke de Bos (associated with the EUR and EY) elaborate on Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) factors. They think about the meaning and the importance of ESG, and the influence of this topic’s focus and transparency on organizations and directors and the roles of supervisors and audits. Based on their insights, they give recommendations to directors, supervisory directors, advisers and accountants.
Ronald Jeurissen nieuwsbericht_LOWRES Ronald Jeurissen, 25 years of ethical growth

Ronald Jeurissen, 25 years of ethical growth

Community |  December 13 2022
Ronald Jeurissen looks back on 25 years Nyenrode: “My first day was hilarious. In the first hour I managed to get into a tiff, twice, and my career at Nyenrode hadn’t even started yet”.
Leen Paape small Why the social duty of care for companies must be regulated by law

Why the social duty of care for companies must be regulated by law

Research |  December 8 2022
It is taking too long for companies to put well-being before profit. That is why a social duty of care must be enshrined in law. This is what Leen Paape says in his farewell speech as Professor of Corporate Governance at Nyenrode.


Lidy Nebbeling

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