“Alumni represent a strong element of the Nyenrode Experience”

June 19 2019

Thomas Stassen started his BBA at Nyenrode in 1981 and after a gap year, an MBA followed. As an alumnus, he is still involved in his alma mater. With his debating club, he contributed to the renovation of the Luctor Orangery and claimed a chair. Thomas: “I was captivated by the idea of claiming a chair. This visibly connects you to your alma mater as an alumnus.”

Claim your chair on Nyenrode - Thomas Stassen - interview.v4

Close to business life

“Nyenrode is a real “experience” with its integrated concept of living, residing and studying on campus. Together in an environment that is close to business life. I chose BBA in 1981 because of its international dimension as part of a very practical study program. The campus was a wonderful bubble with a “can do” mentality and positive atmosphere. Many things were happening around it, but there was always a big stick as well, to make you study. During the final year, we were not concerned all that much with what would happen after graduation. I wanted a gap year to gain experience. Therefore, I opted for an international traineeship at a bank in Kaapstad in South Africa. That was a great experience.”

A tightly-knit year club

“We lived in many different places all over the world and I think that I met more than fifty percent of the people in my social environment – internationally as well – at or by means of Nyenrode. Two years ago, I went to Colombia for ten days with my year club. Now that children have left home of the business has been sold, more is happening and we have become closer. I remain active through my debating club, Luctor et Abortior, and I contributed to the renovation of the Luctor Orangery. I was not captivated immediately by this project, but I took a look half-way through the project and I thought: this is beautiful, fun, tangible. Then I decided to contribute as well. For present students, it is nice if there is a story to it. Such as for my daughter, who will follow the Master of Science next year.”

Important role of alumni network

“I would really appreciate it if Nyenrode would continue as an institute and develops further within the international landscape. For future generations, Nyenrode will be a good start of professional life or a mid-career refreshment. Alumni represent a strong element of the Nyenrode Experience. I think that the alumni network plays an important role. This could be financially, such as claiming a chair, or with respect to content when senior alumni coach younger alumni and show them a direction in the start of their careers.”

Visibly connected to Nyenrode

“I did not have the means to adopt a library, but I wanted to do something. I was captivated by the idea of claiming a chair. As an alumnus, you will be visibly connected to Nyenrode. I like giving back. A fun way of remaining connected. A chair is tangible and, simultaneously, it is a symbolic way of making a unique life and learning experience available. Actually, it is a kind of "teaching post chair". In an inspiring way, they reflect Nyenrode's network and the connectedness of its alumni. New generations will sit down on these chairs, with new ideas and respect for what has been built in the past, for what they can develop further in the spirit of the time.”

Would you like to connect your name to your alma mater too? Claim your chair at Nyenrode and support the modernization of our educational facilities. Be quick, because only a limited number of chairs is still available in De Rooij 101 and 104.

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