Including Nyenrode in your will

Legacies by Nyenrode alumni
Publication date: 5/23/2017

As an alumnus, after graduation you have a connection with Nyenrode, your alma mater, for the rest of your life. But even after death, alumni can keep that connection alive and in doing so have a lasting effect by contributing to Nyenrode.

Tanja Visser, director of Nyenrode Fund: “The easiest way to leave Nyenrode something is by including Stichting Nyenrode Fonds in your will. Our mission is to invest in the past, present and future of the university. As a fund we make money available for maintaining Nyenrode’s past, like the monuments, the estate and the traditions. For the present we consider investments in the quality of the teaching and in the facilities we have as an institution. We also contribute to the future by enabling scholarships for students who would not otherwise have the financial resources to study at Nyenrode.”

“Ïf you would like to include Nyenrode Fund in your will you can opt to leave a certain amount of money, a legacy. Or you can decide to donate a certain percentage of your estate to Nyenrode. Some alumni have no children, little family or not much of a connection with them. Others do have children and lots of family, but nonetheless would like to be able to leave some of their estate to a good cause like Nyenrode. For them it is a way to show what important part Nyenrode has played in their lives and still does.”

Specific use

“By donating to Nyenrode, you can state what you would like your legacy used for. To help preserve the university's heritage, for instance, contribute to research funding, make investments in the current educational facilities or support scholarships for talented future students who do not have the financial resources themselves to pay for university. You can give someone else the opportunity you yourself had. Together we can ensure that Nyenrode’s continuity is guaranteed for the future.”

No inheritance tax

“Leaving something to Nyenrode is appealing from a tax perspective because Stichting Nyenrode Fonds has the status of public benefit organization. Consequently, we do not have to pay inheritance tax, so 100% of the donation benefits the fund and the purpose for which you would like it used. If you have not designated anything specifically, the foundation will find a good use. The fund's overhead costs are extremely low because we can spend almost all the donations received on projects.”

Will check

“If you are interested in leaving something to Nyenrode, we can have your current will checked by a civil-law notary. The civil-law notary will check whether the will still satisfies your wishes and is up to date and, for instance, whether making any adjustments could improve the arrangements from a tax perspective.”

Staying abreast

“There may be alumni who have already thought of leaving something to Nyenrode, without us being aware of this. We would like to hear from them if that is the case, so that we can - like the other donors - keep them abreast of the fund’s developments.”

If you are interested in learning more about leaving something to Nyenrode, contact Tanja Visser via +31 (0)346-295 997 / +31(0)6 - 657 553 424 or for a personal meeting at the office or at your home.