In-class education and self-testing

April 21 2021
About Nyenrode

From April 26, it will be possible for students of Nyenrode Business University to attend in-class lectures about once a week. For which programs this applies, is communicated from the program management. Students and participants who have health problems (sniffling nose, cough, flu), and have been near someone with a COVID-19 infection or have returned from a high-risk area, should follow the program online. The lectures on location take place on the condition that the known security measures are observed. These include keeping a distance of 1.5 meters (5 feet), masks are mandatory outside lectures, and maintain walking routes and maximum number of participants per lecture hall. A new, additional measure from the national government to combat the COVID-19 virus, is the offering of voluntary self-tests - free of charge.

Why self-tests?

The government wants to further limit the spread of the virus by offering voluntary self-tests. People can use a voluntary self-test (quick test) to check whether they may have been infected unnoticed and therefore be infectious to others. If you take a voluntary self-test, you help to keep the risk of infection for yourself and your fellow students, participants, and employees of Nyenrode as low as possible. That is why we strongly advise everyone to take a voluntary self-test before following a program or lecture at Nyenrode.

It is important to underline that studying and working from home remains the norm. Students and participants can come to Nyenrode if programs are given on location. Employees only come to the Nyenrode location for necessary location-related work. As soon as the national government announces further easing, Nyenrode will adjust this policy in line with these regulations.

For whom?

The self-tests will be available to all visitors to Nyenrode. Students living on campus in Breukelen are strongly advised to do a self-test twice a week, with an interval of 3-4 days. Non-campus students, participants, (guest) speakers and lecturers can take a self-test prior to entering the location. Nyenrode employees are also allowed to take a voluntary self-test.

When do you have to test yourself?

If you want to take a self-test, you should take it at home or on location shortly before your program starts. Depending on the result, you then decide whether you can enter the location or whether you should follow the program online at home.

The result of a self-test is less accurate than a professional COVID-19 test (PCR test) from the GGD. If you have complaints (sniffling nose, cough, flu), or you have been near someone with a COVID-19 infection or return from a high-risk area, you should always stay at home. In that case, make an appointment with the GGD to have a PCR test taken.

How does it work?

The self-test is offered by Nyenrode at the locations in Breukelen, Amsterdam and at external locations where lectures in Accountancy are also given. At the location in Breukelen, the test is offered in parking lot A. At the location in Amsterdam, an extra space has been made available in the building for a self-test prior to the lecture or program. At both locations there are directions available on posters and signs. There are also on-site staff who provide instructions and are available for questions. Accountancy students receive further information from the program management about the state of affairs with regard to the self-tests at the decentralized locations. With the self-test you take mucus from your nose and analyze it yourself. It is important to follow the instructions for the test for the best result.

What happens to the test result?

Based on the results of the test, you independently determine whether you can attend lectures or your program at the physical location or not. Nyenrode does not check the test results and you do not have to share them with Nyenrode employees.

In case of a positive test result, we urge you to follow your lecture or program online. In that case, we recommend that you immediately make an appointment with the GGD. You can enter the educational location if the self-test is negative. You are expected to continue to adhere to the security measures.


Nyenrode facilitates self-testing as much as possible. Limiting the spread of the corona virus is a joint responsibility. We therefore count on your benevolent cooperation.

In principle, the measure surrounding the self-test applies until the summer holidays. Should there be any relaxation or tightening of the measures from the government in the meantime, Nyenrode will adhere to them.

Read frequently asked questions about in-class education and self-testing here.

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