Students choose Nyenrode for its atmosphere and practice guidance

June 20 2022

Students at Nyenrode Business Universiteit are very satisfied with their program, just like previous years. This is evident from the annual National Student Survey 2022 (NSS) by Studiekeuze123. Students of the BSc Business Administration give the highest marks; they gave their program a 4.4 on a scale of 5. Followed by the students of the MSc Controlling who gave their program a 4.3 on a scale of 5. Especially the guidance and the teachers’ engagement as well as the atmosphere within the program is appreciated.  

Over 286,000 students from 76 universities and universities of applied sciences participated in the annual survey. Nyenrode Business Universiteit received an overall satisfaction score of 3.92 from its students on a scale of 1 to 5. This gives Nyenrode a slightly higher score than the national average for universities, which is 3.88. 

Kickstart to business life

Students rate the atmosphere while studying at Nyenrode above average. “This appreciation from students motivates us to continue to pay attention to personal education in small groups where, in addition to physical, online and hybrid forms are part of this total experience. We believe that it’s not only important to provide students with the right tools, but also to pay attention to the student as an individual and to their personal development,” says Barbara Majoor, Deputy Principal at Nyenrode Business Universiteit, in her response to the results.  

Students also appreciate the help in preparing for their professional careers. For many students, gaining skills to use in practice complements their studies at Nyenrode. Not only do teachers have a lot of knowledge of the practice, they also show commitment to the students. They are ready for questions and possible feedback. This is what the results of the survey show.  

June 20 2022

The National Student Survey is a national survey in which students give their opinion about their program every year. The students are questioned on various themes, such as content and structure, study facilities and the connection to professional practice.

Click here for an extensive report (in dutch) on the website of Studiekeuze123.

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