Uncertainty and volatility demand courageous leadership in the boardroom

Publication date: 5/23/2023

Global developments such as climate issues, social and geopolitical tensions create uncertainty and volatility in the boardroom. What is the influence of these unprecedented factors in the boardroom? In conversation with Jessica Peters-Hondelink about new business models, change processes, stakeholder management, and innovative leadership.

Jessica Peters-Hondelink is the Director of Customized Executive Education at Nyenrode Business University. She is a change expert and also a co-founder of the ESG Innovation Institute, established last year in collaboration with KPMG. The institute conducts research and shares knowledge and experiences in the field of ESG (Environmental, Social & Governance). It brings together communities where individuals from various companies inspire and assist each other in addressing the changes demanded by ESG. Peters-Hondelink is also involved as a board member of the Young Captain Netherlands foundation, which aims to bring young leaders together for discussions on sustainable long-term value creation.



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