
castle zandpad

3 news articles

  • Dealing with the insecurities of modern society

    Type: Research
    Publication date: 9/8/2022

    With their book Authentic Confidence, Jacqueline Brassey, Nick van Dam and Arjen van Witteloostuijn offer a how-to-guide on how to start building authentic trust.

  • The Future of Education: Everything Is Liquid

    Type: Opinion
    Publication date: 9/3/2020

    The future of learning is fluid, dynamic, adaptable, immersive, personalized, and engaging. It is all about the richness of the experience supported by research and teaching excellence.

  • Closer collaboration between Nyenrode and IE University

    Type: Education
    Publication date: 12/19/2018

    Madrid-based IE University and Nyenrode Business Universiteit have stepped up their collaboration.

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