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9 news articles

  • “Take the time to learn, it’ll benefit your company”

    Type: Research
    Publication date: 9/7/2020

    “Take the time to learn. It takes a lot of courage and it takes energy, but it’ll benefit your company in the long run." This is some of the advice that Prof. Dr. Willem Burggraaf gave his audience in his emeritus speech titled “De ondernemer centraal, tijd voor reflectie” (The entrepreneur as central theme, time to reflect). The speech took place on September 7th 2020 in the sports hall of Nyenrode Business University.

  • "Local Culture and regulations determine responsible approach to ready-made garment industry in Bangladesh"

    Type: Research
    Publication date: 6/18/2020

    Dissertation Nika Salvetti: What factors influence Corporate Social Responsible (CSR) behaviors in the garment sector of Bangladesh?

  • Sustainable approach to HRM solution for burnout problems?

    Type: Research
    Publication date: 1/16/2020

    The risk of burnout problems is steadily increasing. That requires a different mindset when it comes to HRM.

  • Accounting questions in the Circular Economy

    Type: Research
    Publication date: 1/14/2020

    A white paper launched by a new coalition for circular accounting, demonstrates how to modify and rethink current financing and reporting practices for the circular economy.

  • Decision-making dilemmas in the digital age

    Type: Research
    Publication date: 9/11/2019

    In her inaugural speech on September 11, 2019, Prof. Dr. Cokky Hilhorst will discuss the rationale behind IT investments.

  • Let umbrella organizations appoint and pay auditors

    Type: About Nyenrode
    Publication date: 3/29/2019

    On March 29, 2019, Prof Dr Henk Langendijk said goodbye as a professor at Nyenrode Business University. In Nyenrode’s Pfizer room, he delivered his farewell speech titled: ‘The (un)true and fair view of the annual financial statements and the position of the auditor.’ His most important advice is to have auditors appointed and paid by umbrella organizations in order to create more impartiality.

  • Staying in control in a digital and agile world

    Type: Education
    Publication date: 3/6/2019

    Data-driven auditing is giving rise to new dynamics and working methods within audit and risk departments. However, the large auditing firms in the Netherlands will feel the effects of these changes as well. This is what led PA and Nyenrode Business University to enter into a partnership.

    Nyenrode AH
  • Identity leadership increases organizational commitment

    Type: Research
    Publication date: 12/12/2018

    Employee loyalty in the traditional sense is losing ground. Organizational commitment, based on social exchange, is not strong enough to create attachment within work relationships in today’s changing nature of work. This is one of the conclusions by Dr. Ali Fenwick’s dissertation titled ‘Creating a Committed Workforce: Using Social Exchange and Social Identity to Enhance Psychological Attachment within an Ever-changing Workplace’, for which he received his doctorate from Nyenrode Business Universiteit on December 12, 2018.

  • Scientific validation of audit methodology in accountancy needed

    Type: Research
    Publication date: 11/28/2018

    “The field of Auditing & Assurance is about people and trust”, says Prof. Dr. Joost van Buuren. However, according to Van Buuren, the field has not been innovative enough in recent years and is failing to adequately fulfill users’ wishes. Van Buuren therefore calls upon the sector to develop a new active approach: one in which innovation is aimed at meeting users’ needs and boosting their trust in the accountant through scientific validation of audit methodology. Van Buuren: “Accountants must start thinking differently and seize opportunities with an open mind in order to increase the relevance of the accounting position.”

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