
castle zandpad

2 news articles

  • Circular economy: Why current accounting models aren’t suitable

    Type: Research
    Publication date: 5/26/2023

    Researcher Diane Zandee, who obtains her doctorate from Nyenrode Business Universiteit today, wants to connect finance and sustainability. That is why she has conducted research into how accounting can contribute to the transition towards a circular economy. There is a need for a common language and structure in order to embrace this new economy. “We are still focusing too much on the financial side and not enough on ecological and social values. We can only change this if the entire chain changes along with it. For that we need a conductor, a coordinator who ensures that everything goes at the right pace and that everyone works together to find harmony.”

    Diane Danzee
  • Accounting questions in the Circular Economy

    Type: Research
    Publication date: 1/14/2020

    A white paper launched by a new coalition for circular accounting, demonstrates how to modify and rethink current financing and reporting practices for the circular economy.

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