The future of finance & innovation: your agenda

January 24, 2025
2 days
€ 2.495,- ( or € 2.250,- for members)

As the world in which you operate changes, you will have to change with it. Moving from the age of industrial organizations to a platform economy, being able to determine what constitutes appropriate investment- and risk management theories is more important than ever. Theories that have proven themselves in the past may not work in the future. Being able to challenge the existing investment- and risk theories and applying new theories is therefore an important attribute of the investment professional. This requires you to shed preconceived ideas you may have and open up to new ideas. To do so we look at various models that are used to implement innovation strategies in organizations.

  • Awareness of the applicability of investment and risk management theories
  • Knowing various models to be used for successful implementation of innovation strategies

In path of introducing an innovative strategy is rarely clear and straight. Knowing where to expect challenges may help you getting support for your new investment strategy. There is not just one path to introducing and implementing your new investment strategies, various routes are possible. We explore ways to use scenario management that will help you to decide which route to take. The last subject in this module is the S-curve theory. This theory looks at the life cycle of models and theories and how they interact with new and upcoming models and theories. The Scurve offers an insight in the maturity of models and theories.

This module is offered in corporation with the VBA Academy by CFA Society Netherlands



During the future of finance & innovation module the most stimulating speakers teach you the tricks of the trade, with models and theories.

Visiting Fellow
Peter Robertson focuses on decision-maker dynamics in business transformation. He has over 30 years’ experience as an international corporate adviser at KPMG (Amsterdam), Human Insight (London), and as an executive lecturer and associate professor at several Universities in the Netherlands, China, and the USA.

Other lecturers:

  • Prof.dr. Alfred Slager
  • Drs. Thijs Jochems
  • Drs. Peter Strikwerda
  • Ir. Paul de Ruijter

Study load & format

This module consists of two days that include interactive lectures and workshops. The time spent during these days is 16 hours. In addition, 8 hours of self-study, preparation, pre-reading etc. will be required, depending on pre-education, work experience and training/courses on this topic.

Attendence of classes is mandatory to succesfully pass this course. Classes will be offered at the Nyenrode campus in Breukelen.

Participation in the peer-to-peer intervision cycle and presentation of a personal leadership case during enrollment in the Lead pillar of the RBA program is mandatory for participants that enroll in the full RBA program. 

Designed for you?

This module is part of LEAD pillar in the RBA program. Enrollment is mandatory for participants that enroll in the full RBA program. The contents of this module will greatly help you understanding how boards work or why they fail. You are a mid to senior career professional. Typically you work as:

  • Investment manager
  • Portfolio manager
  • Risk manager

Classes & info


  • Friday, January 24, 2025                        9,30 am – 8 pm
  • Friday, February 7, 2025                        9,30 am – 8 pm

Date(s) of the peer-to-peer intervision sessions are planned by the intervision groups. 


Attendance for participation in Module 12 is mandatory.

In addition, participation in the peer-to-peer intervision cycle and presentation of a personal leadership case during enrollment in the Lead pillar of the RBA program is mandatory for participants that enroll in the full RBA program.