Single donation


Limited tax advantages are awarded for a single donation with a minimum of 1%, or at least 60 euro, and a maximum of 10% of your taxable income. Let us say your taxable income on a yearly basis is 35.000 euro. This means you will only be able to get a percentual refund for your donations if you donate no less than 350 euro and no more than 3500 euro a year. Please visit this page from website of the Dutch Tax Authorities for more information.

Example for Dutch tax payers

Suppose you would like to make a single donation of € 500 and your taxable income is € 35.000. The amount deductible from tax is € 150 (your donation of € 500 minus € 350, the minimum amount you must donate). In this example your tax advantage is € 56,06 (37,37% of € 150). You request the refund via the Dutch Tax Authorities. In short, you donate a net amount of €443,94 and the Nyenrode Fund receives € 500.


Nyenrode will be closed for the holidays. You are still welcome to apply for our programs, but please note that applications, emails, questions, and requests will be processed starting January 6th. Wishing you a wonderful holiday season!