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61 information sources

  • Statline

    Type: Statistical databases
    Access: Free

    StatLine is the electronic database of Statistics Netherlands. The database contains statistical information on The Netherlands presented in tables and graphs, including time series on many social and economic subjects and information on regions and economic climate. Period: 1899-present Update: daily

  • Survey Data Netherlands

    Type: Interesting links
    Access: Free

    The portal Survey Data Netherlands (SDN) enables you to ​search and access survey questions and data of large Dutch research projects. When the portal was launched, in February 2014, it contained the data of the following projects: Culturele veranderingen, Sociaal Cultureel Planbureau Profielstudie,Tilburg University Langlopende Internet Studies voor de Sociale wetenschappen (LISS), CentERdata Intergraal Kankercentrum Zuid More Dutch longitudinal survey data will become available in the future.

  • Trading Economics

    Type: Interesting links
    Access: Free

    Macroeconomic data, exchange rates, and data on stocks, bonds and commodities. Sources: National Statistical Offices (US BLS, etc), International institutions (IMF, World Bank , EUROSTAT, etc) and financial market exchanges across the world.

  • U.S. Geological Survey

    Type: Interesting links
    Access: Free

    Commodity statistics and information.

  • World Affairs Online

    Type: Research papers
    Access: Free

    Database containing more than 900,000 references, mainly journal articles, book chapters and grey literature. The database covers international relations and area studies, with a focus on foreign and security policy and European politics. A part of the references include links to the full-text.

  • World Bank

    Type: Interesting links
    Access: Free

    Key development data and statistics.

  • World Economic Forum

    Type: Interesting links
    Access: Free

    Global Competitiveness Reports, Scenario reports, Global Risk Reports, Cimate Reports and Private Equity Reports.

  • World Economic Outlook

    Type: Interesting links
    Access: Free

    Also available in the book collection of the Nyenrode library: see location 950B01.

  • World Health Organization

    Type: Interesting links
    Access: Free

    Health statistics by country (not quite up to date).

  • Worldcat

    Type: Library catalogs
    Access: Free

    Collections of thousands of libraries worldwide.
