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453 news articles

  • Giving the next generation the chances they deserve

    Type: Community
    Publication date: 12/9/2020

    On November 3rd, 2020, Nyenrode welcomed Loek van den Boog, Founder and Chairman of Net4kids, a matchmaker between business and local child aid projects in Asia and Africa as part of the Nyenrode Online Breakfast Sessions.

  • ‘Sustainability score infraprojects’; a quality mark for the infrastructure sector

    Type: Research
    Publication date: 12/9/2020

    The infrasector, has great ambitions when it comes to making projects more sustainable. And the ability to make the distinction between more and less sustainable projects is crucial to this ambition. An exploratory study conducted by Nyenrode Business University on behalf of Dura Vermeer Infra BV, has resulted in a proposal for the content, feasibility and requirements for a quality mark for infrastructure projects.

  • Data science is a new hope for cybersecurity

    Type: Research
    Publication date: 12/4/2020

    Cyber threats are constantly evolving, meaning attackers are always one step ahead. Cybersecurity data science offers a new hope. However, realizing the benefits of these methods will require focused investment. This is a conclusion reached by Scott Mongeau in his PhD dissertation "Cybersecurity Data Science: Best Practices in an Emerging Profession", which will be defended at Nyenrode Business University on December 4th, 2020.

  • Society 4.0 - Build a vital and hopeful future for the next generations

    Type: Research
    Publication date: 12/4/2020

    In Society 4.0 author Bob de Wit paints a picture of a world standing at a crossroads and facing choices that will determine the future development of our society. Do we want to stay with the existing power establishments? Or will we display the motivation and courage required to combine the best of global and local and establish a Glocalcitizens community as the basis for an alternative and optimistic future society?

  • Coronacrisis puts energy transition in vulnerable neighborhoods higher on the list of priorities

    Type: Research
    Publication date: 12/1/2020

    Disasters often herald the beginning of a transition. This is because the impact of such a disaster now becomes visible and there is a huge desire to not go through such a terrible experience again. Consequently, structural changes can be implemented faster. The essay ‘Omdat belangen samenvallen’, written by Anke van Hal in collaboration with Matthijs Uyterlinde and various other parties involved, discusses the potential impact of the Coronacrisis on the experimental program ‘Verduurzaming van Kwetsbare Wijken’ (Making Vulnerable Neighborhoods Sustainable).

  • ‘Nyenrode broadens your view of the world’

    Type: Community
    Publication date: 11/27/2020

    Student Ilke Hellendoorn about her Master of Science in Management in Breukelen

  • Company project BScBA of great added value for students

    Type: Education
    Publication date: 11/26/2020

    The Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (BScBA) has again (as in 2018 and 2019) been voted the best study program in the Netherlands by the Keuzegids Universiteiten 2020 (Universities Selection Guide) in the category International Business.

  • Nyenrode Overview

    Type: About Nyenrode
    Publication date: 11/24/2020

    The new Nyenrode Overview on our website gives you the most important developments from the beginning of 2019 to the summer of 2020, with regard to the university, the campus and its community.

    Overview 2019
  • WWF contributes to innovative research into nature legal personhood

    Type: Community
    Publication date: 11/24/2020

    Due to differences in interests, lack of transparency and the lack of representation, nature in the Netherlands is not optimally protected. Establishing natural legal entities may offer a solution. Prof Dr Tineke Lambooy, LLM, Corporate Law Professor at Nyenrode is doing innovative research into ‘natural legal entities’, as part of her research into ‘Rights of Nature’ in the Netherlands.

  • Change of rector and memorable digital 74th Dies Natalis

    Type: Community
    Publication date: 11/20/2020

    The 74th Dies Natalis from Nyenrode Business University was celebrated digitally with the Nyenrode community on November 20th. The present time demands creativity and adaptability. That is why participants were surprised at home with a small gift to create a sense of connection. And with that the day will be remembered as one very special Dies Natalis. This edition was all about welcoming and saying goodbye. Rector Magnificus Miša Džoljić officially transferred his rectorate to his successor Koen Becking.

  • “Be the change you want to see in the world”

    Type: Community
    Publication date: 11/18/2020

    International MBA alumna Andreea Bulisache looks back at her time at Nyenrode and talks about the power of communities in having a global impact.

  • An MBA journey of transition

    Type: Community
    Publication date: 10/16/2020

    Thomas Ian Harrison-Prentice, Full-time MBA Alumnus, Valedictorian and Student of the Year of the Class of 2020, shares his experience at Nyenrode and the importance of leading from the inside out.

  • Graduation Ceremony Full-time MBA Class of 2020

    Type: Community
    Publication date: 10/2/2020

    Graduation Ceremony of the Full-time MBA Class of 2020. Andreea Bulisache, IMBA alumna 2013 shared her life after Nyenrode and the impact the MBA program had on her personal growth and career path.

  • “Take the time to learn, it’ll benefit your company”

    Type: Research
    Publication date: 9/7/2020

    “Take the time to learn. It takes a lot of courage and it takes energy, but it’ll benefit your company in the long run." This is some of the advice that Prof. Dr. Willem Burggraaf gave his audience in his emeritus speech titled “De ondernemer centraal, tijd voor reflectie” (The entrepreneur as central theme, time to reflect). The speech took place on September 7th 2020 in the sports hall of Nyenrode Business University.

  • “It is all about adapting. Be flexible and always stay hopeful”.

    Type: Community
    Publication date: 9/7/2020

    MBA student Niloofar Peyravi tells about the financial support she received from the Nyenrode Corona Emergency Fund.

  • The Future of Education: Everything Is Liquid

    Type: Opinion
    Publication date: 9/3/2020

    The future of learning is fluid, dynamic, adaptable, immersive, personalized, and engaging. It is all about the richness of the experience supported by research and teaching excellence.

  • "Leadership in unprecedented uncertain times"

    Type: About Nyenrode
    Publication date: 8/31/2020

    On August 31, 2020, Jan Nooitgedagt, former chair of the Foundation Board of Nyenrode, delivered his speech ‘Leadership in unprecedented uncertain times’ during the opening of the academic year.

  • BSc in Business Administration starting at Nyenrode Amsterdam

    Type: Education
    Publication date: 8/26/2020

    This week saw the ‘birth’ of the latest degree program at Nyenrode Business University, in the heart of Amsterdam. Starting this year, BSc in Business Administration (BScBA) students can choose to either study in our capital or in Breukelen, on the campus.

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