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451 news articles

  • Staying in control in a digital and agile world

    Type: Education
    Publication date: 3/6/2019

    Data-driven auditing is giving rise to new dynamics and working methods within audit and risk departments. However, the large auditing firms in the Netherlands will feel the effects of these changes as well. This is what led PA and Nyenrode Business University to enter into a partnership.

    Nyenrode AH
  • Keuzegids once again grants 'top program' designation to Nyenrode programs

    Type: Education
    Publication date: 3/5/2019

    In a repeat to last year’s achievement, the Masters in Business Administration and Controlling have been declared the “Best Masters” of their kind.

  • We are all stewards

    Type: Community
    Publication date: 3/4/2019

    On November 13, Nyenrode Amsterdam welcomed Camille van Gestel, Co-Founder of WakaWaka and Nyenrode BBA Alumnus to inspire students, alumni and the business community as part of the Nyenrode Amsterdam Breakfast Sessions.

    Nyenrode Breakfast Session WakaWaka
  • Businesses still fail to adequately consider financial implications of climate change

    Type: Opinion
    Publication date: 2/4/2019

    During the Dies Natalis on November 20, 2018, Peter Bakker – President and CEO of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) – urged the business community to take on a leading role and secure a sustainable future for all. He believes we are entering a period of unprecedented transformation. On January 18, 2019, Nyenrode hosted a conference that fit in perfectly with this topic: 'Corporate responsibility in relation to climate change'. International firms, investment managers, insurers, human rights organizations and climate groups came together to address the key question: how can my business take responsibility for future generations?

  • Provincial grant for restoration vegetable garden complex

    Type: About Nyenrode
    Publication date: 2/4/2019

    The Nyenrode Fund will receive € 110,181.10 from the Province of Utrecht for the restoration of the garden wall and kitchen garden of the monumental Vegetable Garden complex at the estate.

  • Meet the faculty: John Dumay, Visiting Professor Nyenrode

    Type: Research
    Publication date: 1/30/2019

    In September 2018 John Dumay of Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia, was appointed as visiting professor of Nyenrode Business University.

    John Dumay visiting prof
  • “If you have a goal in mind, you can determine your path to get there”

    Type: Community
    Publication date: 1/29/2019

    Scholarship student Darren Aletoe: “I thought I knew myself pretty well, but through my time at Nyenrode I’ve discovered where I still have room for improvement.”

  • ‘Sustainability is our greatest challenge’

    Type: Community
    Publication date: 1/17/2019

    Rosa worked hard to build a successful career within medical science. Though, in the summer of 2018 she decided to change course, trading an academic hospital setting for a full-time MBA at Nyenrode in Amsterdam. Rosa: ‘I would rather create the protocols than implement them.’

    FTMBA Rosa van den Berg_compressed
  • Skyscrapers and credit management in New York. #LifeasaNyenrodian

    Type: Community
    Publication date: 1/17/2019

    In May 2018, our Full-time Master (MSc) in Management students traveled to New York, a trip that is part of a Global Immersion Program.

  • We all play our part in climate control

    Type: Community
    Publication date: 1/11/2019

    'The role businesses play and the responsibilities they have in the story of climate change and human rights has two sides. There are ethical and legal aspects, but the subjects offer many chances as well.' Jan van de Venis, lawyer and owner of JustLaw, states. He is a coordinator and keynote speaker for the ‘Corporate responsibility in relation to climate change’ conference that will be held on January 18 at Nyenrode Business University.

  • Nyenrode re-accredited by EQUIS

    Type: About Nyenrode
    Publication date: 12/20/2018

    On December 11, 2018 EFMD awarded Nyenrode an extension of its EQUIS accreditation for three years. The EFMD praises Nyenrode’s ‘excellent corporate connections’ and strong alumni network. They commend the university ‘for being committed to ethics, responsibility and sustainability’.

  • Closer collaboration between Nyenrode and IE University

    Type: Education
    Publication date: 12/19/2018

    Madrid-based IE University and Nyenrode Business Universiteit have stepped up their collaboration.

  • Exploring action research – real actions with real people, on real issues

    Type: Opinion
    Publication date: 12/18/2018

    How do we contribute to organizational change and learning in a more sustainable way that is compatible with the current challenges we face? Jeanine Jansen and Jessica Peters explored this and other questions during the first-ever Action Research PhD course at Nyenrode.

  • Identity leadership increases organizational commitment

    Type: Research
    Publication date: 12/12/2018

    Employee loyalty in the traditional sense is losing ground. Organizational commitment, based on social exchange, is not strong enough to create attachment within work relationships in today’s changing nature of work. This is one of the conclusions by Dr. Ali Fenwick’s dissertation titled ‘Creating a Committed Workforce: Using Social Exchange and Social Identity to Enhance Psychological Attachment within an Ever-changing Workplace’, for which he received his doctorate from Nyenrode Business Universiteit on December 12, 2018.

  • Alumni 1968 take marble rooster back to Nyenrode

    Type: Community
    Publication date: 12/4/2018

    After 17 years, the Nijenrode Rooster is back on the castle square, thanks to financial contributions from NOIB 1968 alumni and the work of the Nyenrode Fund.

  • The 2018 FT European Business School Ranking has been published

    Type: Education
    Publication date: 12/3/2018

    The 2018 Financial Times European Business School Ranking has been published. As expected, Nyenrode Business Universiteit has slipped in the overall ranking of European Business Schools, falling from 38th place in 2017 to 51st out of 95 institutions in 2018. The university believes the reason for this result is clear: it is a consequence of a one-time lack of responses from graduates in 2014, which factors into the ranking.

  • Scientific validation of audit methodology in accountancy needed

    Type: Research
    Publication date: 11/28/2018

    “The field of Auditing & Assurance is about people and trust”, says Prof. Dr. Joost van Buuren. However, according to Van Buuren, the field has not been innovative enough in recent years and is failing to adequately fulfill users’ wishes. Van Buuren therefore calls upon the sector to develop a new active approach: one in which innovation is aimed at meeting users’ needs and boosting their trust in the accountant through scientific validation of audit methodology. Van Buuren: “Accountants must start thinking differently and seize opportunities with an open mind in order to increase the relevance of the accounting position.”

  • BSc in Business Administration once again rated best International Business program

    Type: Education
    Publication date: 11/15/2018

    In a repeat to last year’s achievement, the Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Business Administration has once again been rated as the best program in the Netherlands in the category of International Business in the “Keuzegids Universiteiten 2019” (a selection guide for universities). The program far outperformed all other bachelor programs in the Economics & Business sector of the guide. With an overall score of 94 points out of 100, the BSc in Business Administration is the only program in the International Business category to earn the designation of “top program”, even tying for second place among all bachelor programs in the Netherlands.

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