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90 news articles

  • Take more responsibility in making global value chains sustainable

    Type: Research
    Publication date: 1/25/2023

    Not just companies, but governments and citizens too have a responsibility in making global value chains more sustainable. That is what Désirée van Gorp, professor of International Business at Nyenrode Business University, firmly believes. Global value chains represent processes in which goods and services are produced, processed, and delivered in different countries. Van Gorp: “Making these chains sustainable means, above all, taking solidarity as a starting point. What is good for us must also be good for people in the countries where we move our activities to, such as production processes.”

    Desiree van Gorp
  • Can the Wadden Sea be granted legal personality in order to include its voice in public decision-making?

    Type: Research
    Publication date: 12/22/2022

    For the Wadden Sea, could a Rights of Nature approach be promising for strengthening the protection of natural values in this area? Prof. Dr. Tineke Lambooy LL.M. (Professor of Business Law at Nyenrode Business University) explored this issue together with fellow researchers Tessa van Soest and Ignace Breemer.

    waddenzee klein
  • Collaboration as a strategic asset

    Type: Research
    Publication date: 12/20/2022

    The better organizations work together, the better the performance. That sounds like pushing at an open door, yet the importance of working together is often underestimated. What are the success factors play an important part in good collaboration? How do you make working together more efficient and effective? Jeroen van der Velden, Associate Professor of Strategy Alignment and director of the Nyenrode Faculty Expertise Center Strategy, Organization & Leadership at Nyenrode Business University can, after more than 25 years of research and consulting work, provide the answers to these questions in great detail.

  • Stefanie Beninger on resilience: stabilize, adjust, or transform?

    Type: Research
    Publication date: 12/11/2022

    Nyenrode Business University recently hosted the fourth edition of the Radical Thinkers Series. In the series, scientists talk about their research and their “radically” different way of thinking.

    Ronald Jeurissen, Stefanie Beninger, Nicolas Chevrollier
  • Breaking routines within your organization requires guts, playfulness as well as reflection

    Type: Research
    Publication date: 12/2/2022

    Changing to a more sustainable or more social organization means changing existing patterns. And to be able to do so, you need to address three challenges: giving meaning to what you want to do, learning how to do it, and creating space to eliminate resistance. This is according to research conducted by Irene Jonkers, who is receiving her PhD at Nyenrode Business University today. 'If you understand the three challenges, the process becomes more manageable and also more fun,' Jonkers said.

  • Circular beanies: closing the circle at Nyenrode

    Type: Research
    Publication date: 11/21/2022

    Anyone who thought that Nyenrode Business University focuses purely on education and research is wrong; in fact, the university also sells circular beanies made of recycled cotton from worn clothing. By investing in a student idea, the university is doing its part to make the textile industry more sustainable.

  • We urgently need to understand the impact of new economic powers

    Type: Research
    Publication date: 10/11/2022

    "Do not underestimate the impact of China and other emerging economies on trade and investment flows." So argues Professor of International Economics at Nyenrode Business University Haico Ebbers.

    Haico Ebbers
  • Corporate Responsibility Framework

    Type: Research
    Publication date: 9/21/2022

    If an organization wants to do business responsibly and make strategic decisions that benefit people, the environment, and the market, the golden rule is: to measure is to know.

    Annemieke Roobeek, Jacques de Swart, Myrthe van der Plas
  • Putting nature’s rights on the map

    Type: Research
    Publication date: 7/20/2022

    Nature also needs rights to preserve biodiversity. Prof. Tineke Lambooy and Prof. Ronald Jeurissen identified and analyzed 409 initiatives worldwide, found in 39 countries.

    Ronald en Tineke
  • Agency Theory review leads to right decisions

    Type: Research
    Publication date: 7/11/2022

    Nyenrode Business University recently hosted the third edition of the Radical Thinkers Series. In the series, scientists talk about their research and their “radically” different way of thinking.

  • Necessary transition to sustainable investments

    Type: Research
    Publication date: 6/23/2022

    The transition from FDI to sustainable investment is necessary to combat climate change, because international investment laws and policies play a key role in countries' commitment to climate change.

  • Reflections on the relationship accountant and client

    Type: Research
    Publication date: 6/9/2022

    Niels van Nieuw Amerongen calls during his inaugural lecture not only on accountants to invest in the relationship, but also on clients.

    Niels van Nieuw Amerongen
  • Plea for philosophical professional ethics

    Type: Research
    Publication date: 6/3/2022

    Edgar Karssing stated during his inaugural lecture that preserving and strengthening the integrity of professional practitioners requires a philosophical approach, and that we must guard against moralism and admonishment.

  • “Societal impact of regulation and enforcement in the real estate sector unclear”

    Type: Research
    Publication date: 6/2/2022

    The research projects of Bob Hoogenboom have influenced the Dutch debate on the regulation of the real estate market, the quality of (self-)regulation, and the degree of cooperation and information sharing within the government and especially the public sector.

    Bob Hoogenboom
  • Paper on deregulating financial markets wins best paper award

    Type: Research
    Publication date: 6/1/2022

    Prof. Dr. Michael Erkens and Prof. Dr. Ying Gan won the Best Paper Award at the American Accounting Association's Southeast Region Meeting in Orlando.

  • “Gaining from sustainable competitive advantage? Don’t be afraid to fail!”

    Type: Research
    Publication date: 5/30/2022

    Innovation is for organization key to gaining sustainable competitive advantage, but what is the right key?

    Bart van Lieshout
  • Better investment decisions for venture capitalists

    Type: Research
    Publication date: 5/25/2022

    In order to better substantiate investment decisions for start-ups, you need to take a closer look at previous sources of financing.

    Job Andreoli
  • A new legal form for social enterprises in the Netherlands

    Type: Research
    Publication date: 5/5/2022

    Our research has in recent years supported many entrepreneurs in finding appropriate legal forms for their businesses.

    Tineke en Aikaterini

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