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39 news articles

  • Students rate Nyenrode Bachelor programs as number 1 in the Netherlands

    Type: About Nyenrode
    Publication date: 11/16/2017

    The Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Business Administration and the part-time BSc in Accountancy at Nyenrode Business Universiteit were rated as the best programs in their category in the ‘Keuzegids Universiteiten 2018’ (selection guide for universities). The BSc in Business Administration even tied for first place in the ranking of all bachelor programs in the Netherlands.

    Bachelor 5
  • Redesigned Nyenrode Masters in Management expands to Amsterdam

    Type: Education
    Publication date: 8/24/2017

    From August 2018, Nyenrode Business Universiteit offers students the possibility to follow the Full-time MSc in Management program at the Keizersgracht premises in Amsterdam.

  • National Student Survey 2017: Students very satisfied with Nyenrode programs

    Type: Education
    Publication date: 5/22/2017

    As they indicated in previous years as well, the students of Nyenrode Business Universiteit are very satisfied with their degree programs. In the 2017 edition of the National Student Survey conducted by Studiekeuze123 annually, students rated Nyenrode far above the national average for universities in the Netherlands. The BSc in Business Administration started last year scored the highest with a 4.7 out of 5.

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