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90 news articles

  • Organizing ownership through change

    Type: Research
    Publication date: 6/18/2021

    In the doctoral research ‘Perspectives on change within organizations’ from Jolanda Kroon, she asked 27 respondents about their perception of reality and their vision of the future of hospital organizations in the changing context of healthcare. On June 18, she successfully defended her PhD dissertation at Nyenrode Business Universiteit.

  • Making the most impact: 'Giving voice to the next generation of auditors'

    Type: Research
    Publication date: 6/18/2021

    The faculty of Nyenrode Business University awarded 'Giving voice to the next generation of auditors' by Marlies de Vries, faculty member and Program Director of Controlling, the title of ‘impact case 2021’.

  • Increase societal impact by creating an ecosystem

    Type: Research
    Publication date: 5/4/2021

    There are many technical barriers and knowledge gaps in supporting social enterprises.

  • Great majority of office workers want to continue working from home post pandemic

    Type: Research
    Publication date: 4/13/2021

    Nearly all employees who are working from home (97%) prefer to keep working from home, even when offices are open. According to respondents in the third round of a joint research conducted by Nyenrode Business University, Open University and Moneypenny.

    landgoed Nyenrode
  • Edgar Karssing appointed Professor of Philosophy, Professional Ethics and Integrity Management

    Type: About Nyenrode
    Publication date: 3/26/2021

    Develop thinking tools for the moral quest of professionals. Edgar Karssing has been appointed Professor of Philosophy, Professional Ethics and Integrity Management. Karssing looks at professional ethics and integrity management from a philosophical perspective. For example, how do you deal with the tension between morality and a commercial society?

  • "There are many versions of reality"

    Type: Research
    Publication date: 3/25/2021

    Does one’s perception of reality influence a social scientist’s choice for his or her research method?

  • New research reveals why supply chains urgently need innovation

    Type: Research
    Publication date: 3/18/2021

    Supply chain managers need to be much more proactive in setting up and improving business models according to research from Professor Jack van der Veen from Nyenrode Business University. In his recent white paper ‘Implementation of new Supply Chain Business Models: risk management in cross-border trade', he seeks to understand how new business models can be developed through taking a supply chain perspective.

  • “It is crucial that we begin transitioning into a circular economy tomorrow”

    Type: Research
    Publication date: 2/18/2021

    In countries such as Vietnam and Bangladesh, people are putting their heart and soul into a circular economy. That personal ambition that people drives seems to be the real game changer.

  • Nature needs legal rights to really protect biodiversity

    Type: Research
    Publication date: 2/11/2021

    We should attempt to treat nature as a heritage site and look after it for future generations", say professor Dr Tineke Lambooy. She discusses why granting legal personhood to entities of nature could enable society to protect biodiversity.

  • In a circular economy, the proof of the pudding is in the eating

    Type: Research
    Publication date: 12/14/2020

    Residual resources, such as food processing surplus streams, now often categorised as ‘waste’, can be reused at their highest potential value if fair pricing can be ensured, finds the latest report of the Coalition Circular Accounting.

  • ‘Sustainability score infraprojects’; a quality mark for the infrastructure sector

    Type: Research
    Publication date: 12/9/2020

    The infrasector, has great ambitions when it comes to making projects more sustainable. And the ability to make the distinction between more and less sustainable projects is crucial to this ambition. An exploratory study conducted by Nyenrode Business University on behalf of Dura Vermeer Infra BV, has resulted in a proposal for the content, feasibility and requirements for a quality mark for infrastructure projects.

  • Society 4.0 - Build a vital and hopeful future for the next generations

    Type: Research
    Publication date: 12/4/2020

    In Society 4.0 author Bob de Wit paints a picture of a world standing at a crossroads and facing choices that will determine the future development of our society. Do we want to stay with the existing power establishments? Or will we display the motivation and courage required to combine the best of global and local and establish a Glocalcitizens community as the basis for an alternative and optimistic future society?

  • The leader as captain: Varen in de mist

    Type: Research
    Publication date: 8/25/2020

    On August 24, Prof Lidewey van der Sluis presented the first copy of her book to Hugo de Jonge, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Public health, Welfare, and Sport.

  • “Knowing versus being able to: competence in leadership”

    Type: Research
    Publication date: 8/17/2020

    Bas Kodden has been appointed professor of Leadership and Management Development at Nyenrode Business University.

  • The third success factor in freeing districts of natural gas

    Type: Research
    Publication date: 8/13/2020

    In the following years, many changes are coming to the residential environment. As a result of the climate problem, which has led to the Paris Agreement, the Dutch government has set ambitious goals.

  • Family business more optimistic about corona crisis consequences

    Type: Research
    Publication date: 7/21/2020

    Many family businesses come out of the corona crisis stronger than they thought they would at the beginning of the crisis.

    Roberto Floren
  • "Local Culture and regulations determine responsible approach to ready-made garment industry in Bangladesh"

    Type: Research
    Publication date: 6/18/2020

    Dissertation Nika Salvetti: What factors influence Corporate Social Responsible (CSR) behaviors in the garment sector of Bangladesh?

  • Investors are not sufficiently protected against financial risks

    Type: Research
    Publication date: 6/17/2020

    The value of the ratings is greatly overestimated, especially when it comes to financial products that are relatively complex to understand.

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