Leo Witvliet is Emeritus Professor of Interim Mangement at Nyenrode Business Universiteit. He is one of the founders of the Institute of Intervention Management which does research in the field of interventions in organization and organizes education and feedback sesions for experienced practitioners. The institute works in cooperation with Nyenrode Business University and several other institutes and universities.
In the ten years that he was responsible for the interim management division, Leo did a lot of research and got his PhD on the University of Tilburg on the issues of Interim Managers like their behavior, the roles they play during an assignment and their personality traits. He was responsible for the transfer of the Interim Management division to Resources Global Professionals, stated in Costa Mesa USA. He was responsible for the Dutch operation and the integration in the new international setting, as a boardmember of the international board of directors.
For almost five years he was the moderator of the European Comenius Course of the University of Groningen and is a visiting professor at the Academy for Management of the University of Groningen.