Maurice Coen MSc has been a visiting fellow since March 2015, affiliated to the chair Sustainable Building of Prof. dr. ir. Anke van Hal at the Center for Entrepreneurship, Governance & Stewardship. His research focuses on how the current energy transition is affecting markets and (temporary) organizations.
Maurice studied Management Consultancy at the RSM Erasmus University in Rotterdam. His mission is to contribute, together with others, to, and thus take responsibility for, the transition to a sustainable world.
Secondary positions
He combines his position at Nyenrode with his work as an independent consultant. He was closely involved with Energiesprong (2011-2016), a national program aimed at making the built environment more sustainable, commissioned by the Ministry of the Interior. Since 2015, he has also been working for Stroomversnelling, a market initiative with the aim of creating an energy-neutral, affordable and attractive built environment.
Most relevant publications
- Coen, M. Lidth de Jeude, M. Hermans, L. and Hal, A. van. (2020). Een zachte landing, het openbare eindrapport van onderzoeksproject de Kennisversnelling. Research by commission of RVO (governmental department).
- Hal, A. van, Coen, M. and Stutvoet, E. (2019). Affordable housing governance and finance, innovations, partnerships and comparative perspectives: Energy performance fee to cover investments in the energy efficiency of affordable housing - The Netherlands. Routledge Taylor and Francis Group, London and New York.
- Coen, M., Eerland, D., Fens, J. and Hal, A. van. (2019). Eindrapportage Project Beïnvloeding Gezinspraak. Research by commission of RVO (governmental department).
- Uyterlinde, M. Hal, A. van. Kunst, A. Coen, M., Bouwman, R. (2019). Betere wijken dankzij de energietransitie. Analyse van (koppel)kansen en dilemma's in vijftien kwetsbare wijken. Researchprogram by commission of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
- Lidth de Jeude, M. van, Mastop, J., Coen, M. Hal, A. van. (2017). De derde succesfactor ontrafeld, Inzicht in gedrags- en organisatieprocessen die de transitie naar een energieneutrale gebouwde woonomgeving versnellen. Research by commission of RVO (governmental department).